Chapter 11

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I was currently unpacking my box of pictures and everything. The picture of Gabe and I when he was born was still broke. I sighed as I stared at it. "Are you okay?" Luke asked, walking through the front door. He had just dropped of the boys at Caroline's. Speaking of her, I still haven't met her. I feel like it was akward so that's why I didn't tag along with Luke to drop them off. Luke understood completely.

"Yeah, I just wish this picture never got broken." I said, placing it down on top of the box. Luke walked over and picked up the picture. "We can replace the frame. The picture it's self isn't broken." Luke said.

"I know but the frame was so beautiful." I said. "I know." Luke said. Luke then placed the frame down on the box and grabbed my hands. "You are safe, you know that right?" Luke asked. I nodded. "Of course I do." I answered. "I'm just wondering." Luke said, kissing my forehead.


"Daddy!" It was Sunday and Caroline was dropping the boys off. I watched from on the couch as Bo ran inside the house. Luke caught him up in his arms and tickled him in his sides. I then saw Caroline step in with Tate on her hip. Luke placed Bo down before walking over and taking Tate from Caroline. Bo ran over to me and hugged me. I smiled and rubbed his back before he ran and played with his toy cars. Man, he is one hyper kid.

"I believe we haven't met." Caroline spoke to me. I stood up and shook her hand. "I'm Lilly." I introduced myself. "Luke probably told you about me but I'm Caroline." She responded.

"Are you Luke's girlfriend?" Caroline asked. "I am." I answered.

"I never met you before so I don't have a problem with you. You seem like a nice girl. I just want you to be good to my boys." She said, looking at Tate and Bo.

"Don't worry, Carol. She loves them and they love her." Luke said. "I can see that." Caroline smiled as Bo came up to me.

"Can you play cars with me?" Bo asked, holding up one of his red plastic cars. I smiled. "Of course I can." I told him.

"I better get going. Take care. Love you Bo and Tate." She kissed both of them on the cheek before leaving. I followed Bo over to the floor near the couch and got on my knees. Bo started making car sounds as he pretended to drive the car against the floor.

Luke and I played with the kids for a few hours before Tate and Bo had to lay down for their nap. I was currently helping Luke in the kitchen making lunch for when they woke up. As I was making Bo's sandwiches, Luke came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled.

"I love you. You took in my kiddos like they were your own." Luke said, resting his chin against my shoulder. "I always wanted my own and they are the closest to it, I guess." I replied.

"Maybe one day we will have a baby of our own." Luke said. Once I finished the sandwich, I turned and faced him.

"You think things like that?" I asked.

"Of course. I love you." Luke said with a smile. Luke placed his hand on my waist and was about to kiss me when we heard Tate crying from the baby monitor. "I go get him." Luke said before kissing my lips. As he went to go get Tate, I sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote and turned it to one of my favorite shows, Grey's Anatomy. As I was watching, Luke came downstairs, carrying Tate. Tate had his head rested against Luke's shoulder.

"Someone's getting sick." Luke said as he sat beside me and Tate laid in his lap. I placed my hand against his forehead but he got fussy and pushed my hand away. "He is warm. I need to take his temperature." I said.

"In the bathroom and in the cabinet." Luke said. I nodded and got up. As soo as I grabbed it from the bathroom, I came back and sat Tate in my lap. I stuck it in his right ear and waited for the beep. It soon beeped and it came back 101.3

"Yeah, he has a fever. Do you have tyneol?" I asked. Luke nodded before getting up and getting the medicine. Luke got it before giving Tate the dose. Took a bit to get him to actually take it. As soon as he swallowed, I laid him on my chest and started rubbing his back.

He soon ended up falling back asleep. Luke grinned before kissing my forehead and Tate's. "You two are cute." Luke whispered.

"He gets his cuteness from his dad."

kinda a filler chapter but hey, all stories have to have them. Luke and Lilly finally got to be an actual couple without someone getting involved. This was a cute chapter of what they would do together. 
 I have been thinking about this story. I was thinking since it is my first one on this account that I should make it twenty chapters. Of course, the sequel could have more chapters when I think it through.
That's right, I said sequel! There will be a second book. 
But let me know down in the comments if you think twenty chapters is reasonable or so. And there might be a time skip in the next chapter to only further along the book. Hope you enjoyed! :) 

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