Chapter 10

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"It's nice to see my sister dating Luke. She always talked about you in college." Kayla told Luke. Kayla, Ethan, Hannah, Luke and myself were all at my house trying to get everything cleaned out. Luke grinned, looking at me. "Oh really?" Luke asked. A blush spread across my face as I closed up a box with all of my photos and everything framed. I sighed before looking at my house.

"I don't wanna leave." I finally spoke. Luke came over and hugged me. "It will be alright." Luke said, kissing the top of my head. "I think you got a upgrade though. You are living with Luke Bryan." Hannah spoke. "That's true." Kayla said. I then handed Luke the box to put in the back of his truck. I walked over with him. "Since you met my sister and her husband, do you wanna meet my parents sometime? You also got to meet my adorable nephew." I asked Luke.

"I would love to meet your parents. It's weird that I never got to meet them in college though." Luke said. I nodded. "We never got around to it." I laughed.

As we were packing up all the things that I would need, a 97 black Impala sped up and pulled into the driveway. Luke wrapped his arm around my waist as Hunter got out. He got a smug look on his face as he walked over.

"Well, well, well. Good thing I figured to come over. What are you doing with my girl, pal?" Hunter asked Luke.

"I'm not your pal. You need to leave if you know what's good for you." Luke said, standing in front of me. Ethan got beside Luke as Kayla and Hannah made sure I was okay. Hunter laughed. "I'm not here for you guys anyway. I'm here for Lillian." Hunter said. "You are not going to lay a hand on her." Luke warned him.

Hunter got closer which was a mistake. Ethan was a police officer so he was alot faster. He tackled Hunter to the ground and put his hands behind his back. "Call the police." Ethan said. Hunter's face was being pushed into the dirt as Luke grabbed his phone. "Come on, Lilly girl. Tell them I won't hurt you." Hunter smirked. "That's a lie. You are a douche. I don't love you. I never did ever since you got abusive. Leave Luke and I alone." I snapped.

"The police are on their way. Soon, you will be locked up." Luke told him. Hunter laughed. Since Ethan was off duty, he slammed Hunter's head down to shut him up. "Like that hurt." Hunter said.

"Ethan don't do nothing else. He just wants to use whatever you do against him in court. Don't get in trouble." Kayla told Ethan. A few minutes later, a police charger pulled up and two officers jumped out. They came over and Ethan got up once he made sure they put the hand cuffs on him. Luke then walked over to me and pulled me closer to his chest as we watched them put him in the back of the car. "He won't bother you anymore. He is going to be locked away for a long time." One of the officers told us. I thanked them before they got in the car and drove off. I sighed, wrapping my arms around Luke's waist.


"Mom, this is Luke. Luke this is my mom Amy and my step dad, John who I consider my real dad." Luke, Kayla, Ethan and I were now at my parent's house after a very eventful day. "Nice to meet you." Luke shook their hands. Then Gabe ran into the room from the playroom. He still had his green cast on his arm. "Auntie!" Gabe squealed when he saw me before running over. I caught him and picked him up in my arms.l I kissed his cheeks.

"Luke, this is Gabe. My nephew." I introduced the two of them. "Hey buddy." Luke said, high fiving Gabe. I smiled. I then placed Gabe down and he ran over to Kayla and Ethan.

"So, Luke. How long have you known Lilly?" My step dad asked. "Since college, sir. She was a freshman while I was a junior when we met." Luke answered.

My mom and step dad nodded. As Luke and my parents were talking, Gabe walked over to me. "Does he have any kids?" Gabe asked. I smiled and got to his level.

"Two boys. Bo is about four and Tate is one." I told him. Gabe just nodded before running back in the playroom.

Luke and I stayed and talked to my parents even after Kayla and Ethan took Gabe home. We stayed for about three hours before we had to get home as LeClaire was watching Bo and Tate. "It was nice to meet you Luke!" My mom said as we walked out onto the porch. "Nice to meet both of you." Luke told my parents.

"Bring him back, Lilly. He's a keeper!" My mom said making us all laugh and made me blush. We then got in the truck and headed back to Luke's place. 

We have a lot of unpacking to do.

So Hunter got arrested! It might be the last we see of him for awhile  Thankfully XD Anyway, Luke and Lilly finally get to be like a family. Luke met her parents and her adorable nephew. Do you think they get to finally be a close little family now that Hunter is out of the picture? Let me know down in the comments! I hope you all enjoyed!

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