chapter 8

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That next morning, Luke had sent me a plane ticket to fly to Chicago for his final show of Kill The Lights. I am kinda glad I am leaving my place. I am not safe there anymore. Now Hunter knows where I live and all. I told Hannah to just drive by my place every once in a while to make sure nothing has happened to it.

I was currently on the plane. We had about an hour before we landed in Chicago. I had the window seat and I was sitting next to a little girl. Her mom was in the seat across the asile with a seven month old baby boy. We got to talking and she was a single mom to the two of them and they were flying to her parents house.

"I love My Little Pony and Spongebob." She was telling me her favorite tv shows. "Elizabeth, she is probably tired from traveling. Watch Spongebob on your tablet." Her mom said. "No, she's fine. She is keeping me company to make this flight go by fast." I told her mom with a laugh. Soon enough though, we eventually landed.

"It was nice to talk to you." I told her as I got off the plane. I got my luggage from baggage claim and started to look for Luke.

"Lilly!" I turned and Luke was waving me over. I smiled before walking over to him. He pulled me into one of his bear hugs. He rubbed his hands up and down my arms. "How was the flight?" He asked as we then walked out of the airport.

"First flight was boring but the second, I was sitting by the cutest little girl. She talked to me which made the flight go by faster." I answered.

"Kids are adorable. Speaking of which, Bo and Tate are going to be there with LeClaire." Luke said. I smiled. "Your kids are sooo cute." I said. Luke grinned. "Thank you."


Luke and I were at the stadium for his final show for Kill The Lights. I was in his dressing room along with LeClaire, Bo and Tate. Bo was laying on the floor playing with his Nintendo 3DS. Tate wanted to sit on my lap so I was currently holding him. He had the prettiest brown hair. So soft too.

I am kinda glad Luke invited me to his show. It was getting my mind off of Hunter. Hannah really wanted me to tell Luke but I don't think so. If Hunter does something really dangerous, I will tell him. Until then, Luke won't know about it. Then, Luke walked into the dressing up. "Are you guys ready for the last show of Kill The Lights?" Luke asked. I smiled as Leclaire answered, "Yes. You get to finally take a break and rest up until May."

Luke smiled. "Yeah, I get to hang with my boys and you mama alot more." Luke replied. I smiled. "And who knows, we get to be together more." Luke told me. "That sounds great." I said.

"Brett just finished, You're up next." Mike told Luke, sticking his head through the door. Luke gave him a thumbs up. Luke came over and picked Tate up from my lap and I stood up. "Let's go to the side of the stage." Luke said. Bo got up and walked over to me. He grabbed my hand. Luke smiled at the two of us. "I think Bo-Bo has a crush." Luke said. Bo buried his face behind my leg. I smiled and we started walking behind Luke.

As we got to the side of the stage, Luke handed LeClaire Tate and kissed his cheek before ruffling Bo's hair. "See you all after the show." Luke said before grabbing the mic and making sure his ear pieces were in. As he ran on stage, Bo looked up at me.

"Do you like my daddy?" Bo asked. I didn't know how to answer.

"Yeah I guess. He is a great guy and a wonderful dad to you and your brother." I told him. "Daddy talks about you all the time. He loves you." Bo said. LeClaire placed her hand on Bo's shoulder.

"Bo." She said.

"He loves me?" I asked, kinda getting hope in my heart. "Of course he does. We can all see it. His whole band can see it. I can see it. Only one is you. Luke can't tell you love him either." LeClaire spoke. This kept me on my toes the whole night.

When Luke did finish the show, he came backstage. Bo ran and jumped in his arms. "Awesome performance!" I told him. "Thank you." Luke grinned.

"Mama, can you take the boys back to the tour bus please?" Luke asked LeClaire. LeClaire nodded before grabbing Bo's hand and leading them away. I looked at Luke.

"There is something I wanted to talk to you about." Luke said.

"Okay." I said, letting him continue.

"I know this will come off random. I should have told you back in college but I didn't have a pair to tell you. I always loved you, You are beautiful and amazing. And Bo seems to have a liking to you and even Tate. If you say no, I understand. Will you be my girlfriend?" Luke asked.

I was smiling from ear to ear. I am so glad he felt the way I did.

"Yeah of course. I always loved you too, Luke." I answered. Luke grinned before pulling me close. We got closer and our lips ended up touching. I kissed him back as he rested his arms against my waist.

Hopefully, Hunter won't screw this up either....

This chapter was something else! Lilly has another chip on her shoulder. She is dating Luke! Yay, but will Hunter find out? If he does, how will he react? What do you guys think? That moment when Bo told Lilly what Luke feels was adorable! Let me know down in the comments what you think! Hope you all enjoyed! :)

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