I eyed the sights with absolute admiration, I started taking pictures on my phone so I could always have them, I decided I would send them to my mother later on when I actually got service.

We arrived within an hour or so and got out of the car, James had parked in the woods on a dirt trail away from any civilization. He grabbed the cooler which I supposed held the food and he also grabbed a bag, he had me trail close behind him as we walked the trail his car couldn't go through.

"It's peaceful out here," I said, listening to the birds sing their own little songs.

"Just wait until we get where we're going."

The temperature here compared to home was about fifteen degrees different, the sun was shining and everything here where it was close to raining at home.

"I don't mind carrying something if you want me to." I said, trying to be helpful I didn't like him carrying all the stuff when I only had my phone in my hand which I could just stick in my pocket.

"It's all good. I've got it all, we're almost there anyway."

I could now hear what sounded like a stream, it got louder the further we went. The twigs breaking and leaves rustling had already gotten on my nerves I was eager to see the water.

As soon as we got to the edge I noticed we were now walking on rocks and not leaves, the sound of rushing water had gotten so loud I couldn't hear James talking to me. "I brought a bathing suit the same one you wore at my house a few days ago if you want to take a swim." He held up the duffle bag he was carrying, he sat it down after I nodded that I wanted to take a swim.

"You can change over there, I'll be right here so yell if you see a bear or something
." he joked, or at least I hoped he was joking.

I turned around and went into the woods in a straight line until I couldn't see James anymore that's when I hid behind a huge tree and changed. After I changed I put the clothes I had on in the duffle bag and kept my shoes on, I then headed back towards James. I heard twigs snapping behind me, I felt as if someone was following me but I took that thought out of my head, we were probably the only ones within miles of this place.

More twigs snapped behind me and I let my fear get ahead of me, I started running. I got to the clearing and slowed my pace back to walking, thinking whatever I heard must not be a threat because it didn't follow me.

James had already changed into his swim trunks when I came back, I sat the bag down and took my shoes off. Going to the edge I noticed we were literally on top of a waterfall!!

"I'm going to jump into the water, wanna come?" He asked, holding his hand out.

"I'll just stay here and walk down the hill and over towards you." I said, hoping it wasn't evident I didn't want him to know about my fear of heights.

"Suit yourself," he said, before he leaped off the waterfall his hands together in front of his head. He hit the water with a splash and at first it scared me a little, he wasn't coming back up.

"James!" I yelled. Scared he might be hurt. But I received no reply. Someone grabbed me by my sides and tickled me and I turned around to yell at James. "Why do you scare me like that!" I shoved him off me. "Aww don't be mad at me I was just picking." He hugged me then went back to the edge.

"Want to come with me this time? The water isn't cold, I promise." He held out his hand for me to grasp and I took it, entangled his in mine.

I glanced over at him and then back down at the water, "Don't worry I'm right here next to you we'll jump together and let go before we hit the water."

I took a deep breath clutching tightly onto his hand and let go trying to robe brave by myself, he counted to three and we both jumped at the same time. I braced myself for the impact and that the water was more than likely cold and he was just trying to get me to jump. We both let go before we jumped, I mimicked the same position I saw him do earlier.

The water rushed around me, the sound of the water flooding my eardrums. I swam up to the top and tried to get my wet hair out of my face to see what I was looking at. I looked at James and smiled, liking the rush of it.

I did it by myself a few times, I finally just got my clothes on because I was feeling a little cold. James continued to swim while I sat there with his jacket on because I was freezing.

He finally got out of the water looking like a prune, then we went up top towards the rocks and laid down two soft blankets and sat down to eat. James got out his cooler which had sandwiches in it and cold waters. I ate hungrily, so did he then we sat and talked for a few minutes by then it was almost dark and we were watching the sun set, for the first time in a long time I felt safe, content, I felt as if things were finally looking up.

One minute we were watching the sunset and the next we were staring into each other's eyes, everything seemed like it ceased to move. He seemed hesitant but I watched as he put his left hand on my right cheek, we were both looking at each other's lips, then he went for it.

He tipped my head up and lowered his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and melted as my whole body was consumed in that kiss. In that moment chills ran over my skin and he had just ignited a fire inside me that burnt only for him. His lips were softer than I had imagined, he was more gentle than I had thought he was going to be, the kiss wasn't hungry, it was gentle, as if he was afraid to break me. But it was meaningful none the less.

"That was my first kiss," he said. "My first real one." I kissed him on the cheek and rested my head in his shoulders, not wanting this moment to end. "It felt like the first real one for me too."

Our moment didn't last very long as an object was thrown from the woods, it landed right in front of me. A pair of now broken binoculars..

"Let's hurry up and get out of here things are getting weird." James said, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the woods. I quickly let go and packed up our things into the cooler and duffle bag then he grabbed the duffle bag and I took the cooler, we both went through the woods in a hurry for the car.

Thankfully the tires were not slashed and nobody was hiding in the backseat. James sped off and we both safely headed home, our hands interlocked as he drove.

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