Chapter 22

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Chapter 22- In which she receives an uninvited visitor

~~~Selena's POV~~~

"What the hell is that?" I asked the doctor pointing at the object in his hand.

"It's what we are going to use to take your cast off, it's like a tiny chainsaw or an electronic pizza cutter it's called an oscillating cast saw we plug it up to this and run it along your cast and it takes your cast off, it doesn't cut your skin or anything you'll feel a tug and hear an irritating buzzing type of noise and then after a few minutes your cast will be off and your leg should be able to breathe again." He pointed out showing me the tool he was going to use I eyes it cautiously not really liking this idea but it had to be done and it's not like I can run out they took my crutches and I probably need that.

"Wait, hold up. Didn't you guys put pins in my leg to hold the bone together so it grows back the way it's supposed to?" I questioned.

He grabbed the chart to double check and then looked up and gave me a "yes we did," reply.

"So how are you going to take that out? I know you aren't going to leave them there." I pressed for more information crossing my arms.

"We'll go through that process after we take your cast off now lets begin." He grabbed his murderous looking tool and began cutting my cast off. About five minutes into cutting my cast off he wasn't even halfway done he sure was taking his sweet ass time, I began impatiently tapping my nails against the bed they had me perched on. Finally after what seemed like hours my blue cast which had only recently been drawn on with a sharpie by James while I was asleep was finally off. I stared at my leg which looked really dirty, not the "I just rolled in mud dirty and then let it dry" but pretty close to it.

"It looks like it healed nicely now I will be right back with the tools to take your pins out." He excused himself and took his oscillating cast saw with him.

"He was kidding right? He doesn't actually have various tools to take my pins out does he." I shot a glance at mom staring at her until she replied to me she looked just as confused as I was.

"Honey I honestly don't know I've never broke a bone before I don't know the whole process of taking a cast off and the stitches out and god knows what else he was talking about." She said throwing her hands up. I sighed and risked a glance at my leg, it was numb from the shot he had gave me moments ago and he had a white thick gauze over it, I decided against taking a peek at what he was planning on doing. In just a few moments my doctor had returned with some new sharp objects to probe me with.

"What are you doing?" I questioned him as he kept turning my head to look at my mom instead of whatever he was doing with my arm. I finally got fed up and decided to ask him again.

"What are you doing that you don't want me to see- OW WHAT THE HELL!!?" I shouted at him, after the feeling of my bone being ripped out of my leg took its course. I glared at my doctor who had long metal rods that reminded me of a shorter and flatter version of a needle in his hand. "What the hell is that!?" I shouted frantically.

"It's the metal pins that were put in your leg." He replied cooly, while still probing at my leg with his fingers.

"Couldn't you have numbed me or something?" I said through gritted teeth.

"No, standard procedure." He replied, going back to his attempt at covering up my wound with his bloody gauze pad. After a few more minutes of him making sure all the pins were out he simply cleaned my wound, placed gauze and medical tape over my arm and rushed me out the door with two crutches. Meeting me at the exit he went over a few important details saying my previously broken leg won't be as strong as it use to so I have to be careful. No gymnastics or putting too much pressure or strain on it as it would be very easy to break it in the same spot again and I wouldn't want that. Without further delay, he waved me out the hospital doors and I made my way to my moms car with her cautiously walking behind me, making sure I didn't fall or my leg didn't give out.

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