Chapter 14

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© Haley B 2014

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this book are owned by Haley B. It's illegal to steal/copy and if breached will be punished by law.


Chapter- 14 In which she signs the contract

~~~~Selena's POV~~~~

James gave me a couple of days till he decided to bring up the forbidden subject, Conner. Ever since I told him what really happened and why I was upset he has been careful not to bring that up. Sure, my wounds were still visible and I was emotionally shattered at the thought of Conner hurting me again. But a part of me wasn't so sure, maybe he had really forgotten to take his medication and that was why he hit me.

"Selena," The sound of that oh so familiar baritone voice called me back to the reality in which I had just escaped from.

We were currently sitting on the back porch of my house, I was sitting on the wooden swing that hung by some very strong chains from a sturdy beam attached to the roof. James was in front of me. His eyes were locked on me, he was cooly leaning up against the wall next to the entrance to the back door.

"What?" I questioned

"Ready to talk about it now?" He asked raising his eyebrow a bit as if to provoke his question a bit more.

"Yes," I replied, slightly wanting to avoid this conversation but deep down I knew it would eventually come up. Even if I wanted to act like it never happened, I had to wake up and face reality, I just couldn't run away from this anymore.

"Okay, so you told me what happened. Now for a solution to the problem," He grinned that devilish grin that immediately struck some common sense into me, I realized then what he wanted to do.

"No your not going to kill him," I blurted out.

"Well I wasn't really implying that I intend to kill him but if that's what floats your boat," he shrugged

"James you're not committing murder for me," I stated.

"I could always make it look like a suicide, he probably has a guilty concierge somewhere in there. It's believable."

"James seriously knock it off. Get that idea out of your head."

"Okay, then I could just accidentally push him in front of a bus. Problem solved."

"James," I said through clenched teeth so he knew I was pissed off. He just stared at me for a few seconds then put his hands up in front of him to imply that he didn't mean anything.

"Selena, I have to do something about this I'm supposed to protect you not willing let you get hurt and beat to a pulp and do absolutely nothing to stop you from getting any further harm done to you. I don't want to see you stare off into space like that and tears swell up in your eyes because you're thinking about what happened, what he did was not right and I think deep down you know that. Please let me help you." He pleaded

"James I don't want you to get arrested or in any sort of trouble. Can't you let it go just this once?!" I replied raising my voice a little out of my frustration, I knew he was trying to help but this was difficult for me. But I was as ready as I'll ever be.

"Let's make a deal," He suggested, with a serious look in his eyes. I knew that look, it was a look of determination. It was clear to me now he wasn't going to give up easily.

"What kind of deal?" I questioned, raising me eyebrow a little bit to put emphasis on my question.

"A deal about Conner," he stated

"James I'm not selling his damn soul to the devil," I said.

"What the- No, I didn't mean that kind of a deal i mean a deal with me, just me and you making a deal."

"Depends what the circumstances are." I replied

"Okay so you clearly don't want me to hurt him right?"

I thought about what he had just said which took a few minutes to register from the lack of caffeine in my body then I nodded my head in reply to his recently spoken words. Part of me didn't want Conner hurt even after what he'd done to me, the other part wanted him to pay for what he did. The other part didn't want James in trouble.

"So what if this deal I mentioned protects him in a way?"

I rubbed my chin in response that I was considering his words. I didn't really want Conner protected I wanted me to be protected but I knew that James wouldn't have brought it up if he didn't have a thoroughly thought out plan.

"The deal is basically just he gets off Scott free no consequences unless, he hurts you in any physical or emotional shape or form then I go after him. If he truly says he forgot to take his medication then we are giving him a chance to redeem himself in a way, if he doesn't act like a total lunatic on drugs then he might have actually forgot his medication but the first step he takes out of line." He paused to get up and take a few steps towards me as if furthering his point.

"I'll kick his ass," He calmly said, in fact it looked so natural it was as if he was talking to me about the weather.

I pondered the thought for what seemed like hours but in reality was only a couple of minutes. If Conner tried to hurt me or showed any signs of aggression I could go straight to James.

"And of course you could call off the deal anytime you want. Meaning what I do to him is fair game."

I sighed knowing James would more than likely win either way.

"It's a deal," I said shaking James' hand like two professionals would in a case of great importance.

"Okay then I guess we have a deal," He smiled which soon turned into one of his famous smirks.

Later that afternoon James had ran by my house and brought me a literal contract he typed up himself, there were no loop holes you usually find in most contract cases where you can back out of them easily. No, James was completely serious about this he has already signed the contract he made up which just stated what I was told earlier, nothing more, nothing less. I scrawled my best doctor signature on the sign here line and printed my name and initials below just as James had done on the previous page of the Contract. He told me he would make another copy to give to me.

I learned not to argue with whatever James suggested because nobody would win that argument. In fact he would make a great lawyer if he were ever to pursue that career, he would be the best in the business. He could probably make millions of dollars from the cases he gets assigned. He could persuade just about anyone into anything, schemes included. He once talked me into turning his friends car into a bieber fan girl car, we taped Justin Bieber posters to the sides and in the back of the glass window, I scrawled "I love you Justin" on the passenger window with some red lipstick which actually wiped off easily with baby wipes. And we even took it as far as adding a few car stickers to his friends Truck, James added one to the top which I'm pretty sure to this very day is still there. Never again will I step out of my goody two-shoes ways.

I headed up to my bedroom and took a shower before bed, and put my hair in a long braid. Which happened to be the only way I could curl my hair, I planned on letting it dry like that over night to make it wavy. I changed into some candy emblem black fluffy pants, which were quite comfortable; and a red nightshirt. Then I stalked my way into bed.

I scanned the screen of my phone before heading off to bed a text from James was on my notifications screen which read "The deal starts tomorrow," I groaned taking note tomorrow was Monday. I turned my phone onto silent and sat it back on my nightstand then let sleep overtake me.

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