Chapter 25

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Chapter 25- In which thanksgiving isn't very thankful

I stood there in shock as my mother questioned me as to what had happened, truthfully? I didn't know exactly what had happened. I just know I wished she would've invited anyone other than Conner. She could've invited the whole school as long as Conner wasn't included, I wouldn't have cared.

James immediately grabbed a broom and ordered me to stand still while he swept up my apparent mess. I felt awful. Not only did I just break my mothers glass but now I had to act like I didn't want to strangle Conner while he is here tomorrow for dinner. I couldn't tell my mom what was happening, she'd take things too far.

After James cleaned up my mess he dragged me into the living room, I gave him questionable looks at first then I knew what he was going to do. "Selena, I'm coming over tomorrow for dinner and keeping an eye on Conner. If your mom asks, you invited me over."

I knew exactly why he was so determined to come over, as for Conner I came to the realization a while back that I didn't know anything about him. Everything I thought I knew was probably a lie just like his supposed love for me, he was obsessed with me, he still is..

James left a few minutes after he checked the entire house for Conner, he was paranoid that he had broken in somehow, and had became a stowaway in my house. Soon after James left I myself becoming a bit paranoid, I kept hearing footsteps in the house even after my mother went to bed, I went to investigate twice before I actually went to bed but my efforts were in vain, I couldn't find a trace of anyone else in the house.

I finally fell asleep after tossing and turning for about two hours straight and hearing footsteps still occasionally echoing from the hallway. I awoke to the sound of a door slamming shut in the house I couldn't quite tell which room it came from, but it was extremely loud, it came from somewhere close.

I took a deep breath as I stood up from my bed and walked around to the door, I was just about to grab the door handle when a piece of paper caught my eye. I walked closer to my dresser and there laid a note. "Locking the door can't keep me out, don't worry princess it'll all be over soon." I made a last minute decision to not grab the note, mom could use it as evidence. I bolted out the door and down the dark and gloomy hallway screaming for my mom. "Selena what's wrong?" Questioned my mom as she ran out her bedroom door and held my face in her hands.

"Mom there is someone in the house! You have to call the police! There was a creepy note on my table in my room when I left." I whispered, then Dragged my mom down the hallway, finally, I reached my room, my mother grabbed her gun which had been hidden from my sight, she put her right hand over her left, her left hand held the gun, her right held a small flashlight. She then kicked open my door, which wasn't even shut all the way.

After checking my rooms closet, bed, and balcony she went to head out the door to another room. "Wait, where's that note?" She asked. I went over to where I last saw it and came to the realization that it wasn't there anymore. "Mom it was right here! I didn't pick it up because I thought you could use it as evidence." I frantically searched the floor around the dresser but I didn't find anything.

My mother searched the rest of the house then came back into my room. "Honey go back to bed, you probably just had a nightmare." My mouth gaped open, "I have another one I received the other day from the front porch hang on, I'll get it." I ran to my bed and grabbed my lockbox and then the key from my dresser drawer. Unlocking it I dug through it looking for the other note, but again, I couldn't find it.

"Mom it was right there, I promise!" I said, freaking out a bit because of the notes mysteriously disappearing.

"Honey it was a bad dream everything is okay, go back to bed sweetie." She said, closing my door behind me leaving me sitting in the floor staring at the mess I had made. Had I imagined it? No. I couldn't have, it was too real.

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