Chapter 26

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"You must go on adventures to find out where you truly belong."
Chapter 26- In which fate finds her.

I was up and about long before my alarm went off for me to get ready. I already had my hair done, put on some jeans, a comfortable but fashionable sweater and my necklace my mother had gave me a long time ago. I figured since fall is here I'd just wear something warm since it isn't exactly summer weather outside. I was in the midst of finding my shoes when James texted me telling me he'll be a minute late and that he's fixing some lunch.

The excitement and wonder of today made me get up early, I couldn't wait to see where James and I were going. I was usually not one for surprises but James seems to have amazing surprises so I tend to look forward to those. I practically skipped down the steps, that's when I noticed my mother giving me her mad or concerned face, I wasn't sure which one it is this time.

"Is there anything you need to tell me Selena Dawn?" She said, her hands on her hips staring me down. "No, why?" I questioned. Trying to rack my brain for something she could know about that I haven't told her.

"Well there's a hole in my wall towards the bathroom, I don't know how it got there but it must've appeared recently." I scratched my head smiling a bit. "Yeah Conner and James got into it last night and Conner pinned James against the wall then James did it back, I'm not sure who caused the hole though I was trying to break it up." I lied.. I didn't want to get James in trouble with my mother, I didn't think she would be mad but I didn't want to take a chance.

"It's alright sweetie, I noticed they were practically killing each other last night with their eyes. What's up with the two of them? Why so much tension?" I searched my mind for a half answer I could say other than about conners abuse towards me which sparked the whole situation, then a lightbulb went off in my head. "James blames Conner for upsetting me the night of my accident when I got hit." I said, knowing it was actually true, just not the full truth.

"Oh, Sweetie it's not his fault, nobody could've know that car was going to hit you. James is just being protective, you know how he is." She smiled, "Would you like some breakfast? I made blueberry waffles!" I grinned, "I would love some."

I told mom about James and I going out today, she was perfectly fine with it. While I was eating James had come to the front door to pick me up, my mother invited him in. After I was done eating she told us to "have fun" and "drive safe."

"You look beautiful." He said, opening the passenger door of his car and ushering me in. He went around the car and got into it, making sure both of us had our seat belts on he checked his mirrors then pulled out of my driveway.

"I brought food for a picnic if you want something to eat later." That got me thinking of food, but it could wait.

"Yeah I could go for some food later." I said, my stomach growling is response. We both laughed at that.

We traveled for about an hour, James kept looking in his rear view mirror like he was watching for someone to sneak up on him.

I eventually got bored of the silence and him muttering cuss words and flipping off people as they cut in front of him when he had the right away which was amusing but not amusing enough. I turned on some music and we listened to pop and rock music we were familiar with, he turned the station a few times to rap while mine was just people talking and not really any music at that time.

Looking out the window as we were headed to the surprise spot I noticed a few log cabins, the rest was beautiful scenery. Mountains as far as the eye can see, the summer colors on the tree leaves made it look breathtaking especially since it was still early in the morning and fog was surrounding some of the mountains.

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