Chapter 20

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© Haley B 2014

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this book are owned by Haley B. It's illegal to steal/copy and if breached will be punished by law.


Chapter 20

My vision had dark spots in it, I tried fluttering my eyes open to look at my surroundings but it seemed i possible. My eyelids felt weighed down, I was unable to fully open them. I could open them a bit and get a glimpse of a white ceiling, my vision was blurry which didn't help. I couldn't feel my body and my mouth was extremely dry, like I gulped down sand in my sleep. I could hear faint voices in the distance and the occasional shouting, I tried to block out the sound of the irritating beeping noise that seemed really close to me and just focus on the voices I was hearing. I focused on the sturdy female voice I was hearing moments ago and zoned out listening to the conversation, not knowing if I was dreaming again or not.

"I'm sorry sir but you aren't allowed to go in there it's family only until she wakes up" the petite young dark haired nurse moved to block my way and keep from entering Selena's hospital room.

"I'm her best friend and no offense to you but I'm going in whether I'm family of not." I stated in a matter or factly tone and shoved past her shocked face, I only got a glimpse of Selena's dazed state. She looked as white as the walls, IV's were sticking out of her arm and she was squinting my way. I doubt whatever medicine they gave her has worn off yet. I walked to kneel beside her, I grabbed the hand that didn't contain any needles and carefully held her hand in mine, she was so cold it was like holding ice in my hands. I could barely hear the sound of the nurse yelling for someone to call security and one of the attendants trying to calm her down. I have no clue why she's so damn frantic I'm the one who found her at the scene of the accident It's not like I caused it. I wouldn't hurt Selena for anything in the entire world.

"Sir you need to leave willingly that's you're last warning until you're forced out of this room. You can leave now and come back when she's awake." I stared at the buff security guard that came to get me, he was just a few inches taller than me, I could see a few tattoos on his left arm.

I weighed my options and decided against putting up a fight, I want to be here for Selena  when she wakes up not banned from her room because I was too stubborn to follow simple rules put up for her protection. I asked the security guard for twenty seconds then I turned around once he was out the door, I walked over to Selena and moved her bangs from her face to behind her right ear I crouched down beside her staring at her for a minute to try to convince myself she was alright. My conscience was cussing me at letting this happen to her, I was supposed to protect her and I could barely even do that right. The sound of the security guard coughing snapped me out of my trance, he was clearly getting impatient. I decided to hurry up I got up and kissed Selena's forehead and moved my lips to her ear, "I'll be back before you wake up," I whispered then got up and left, sneaking a glance behind me before I walked out of her hospital room. The nurse changed her IV and more than likely put some more medication on her to numb the pain, she'd be up later tonight and I plan on seeing her. I walked out of the hospital but not before stopping Selena's mom for a chat.

"Hi Ms. Murphy," I smiled at her. She replied with a "You know you don't have to call me that," then she pulled me into a hug her eyes were red from crying. "What are you doing here?" I looked at her for a minute then I remembered she hasn't seen me hanging out with Selena for a little over a month since she embarrassed me that one day. "I came here to see how she was doing, but the security guard was called when I tried to go in to see her. Apparently I need to be family in order to go in." She frowned when I told her what had happened. She pulled me to the side and sat me down on a bench in the waiting room. "You know if they don't see you walk in its not hurting anything right?" My mouth dropped open she was on my side for being mischievous for once. "I was planning on coming back later when the medicine wore off and surprising her with a visit from me." I told her.

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