Chapter 2 ✔

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© Haley B 2014

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this book are owned by Haley B. It's illegal to steal/copy and if breached will be punished by law.


Chapter 2

The next day, I got up on time and then got out of the shower, mom walked up the stairs and lingered in my doorway to tell me that my friend was standing in the front yard.

I didn't know what she was talking about so I dried off, then put on my clothes and wrapped a towel around my head. My hair was dripping with every step I took.

I didn't have any friends that randomly appear in my driveway on foot so I already knew who to expect.

I stepped to the side of my window, peaked out and seen James sitting on the sidewalk apparently waiting for me. I mentally cursed my heart for picking up at the sight of him. Signing I knew I had to talk to him or his stubbornness would just make him wait outside until I came out and talked, which was something I didnt look forward to.

I decided to go ahead and finish drying my hair while James was waiting outside, besides it didn't look like he was planning to go anywhere any time soon. I might as well stall as long as possible before I face the devil.

After I got my hair dried I decided to wear a navy blue blouse and black jeans that hugged my curves.

I grabbed my book bag and began shoving necessary items into it then I threw it over my back and reluctantly headed downstairs.

I slipped on my blue converse shoes and stepped out the door.

I seen James turn around and practicality jump out of his shoes.
"Did I startle you?" I asked while chuckling, I was amused by the small fact I just scared him.

He put his left hand on his head running his hand through his dark black hair and stared at the ground.

"No I just wanted to come by and say thanks for showing me my classes yesterday."

"Oh" I said while completely taken aback by him thanking me. Oh this is just too good to pass by, I cracked a smile and his face got the oh shit look.

"You apologized!" I gloated while dancing around and celebrating.

"Yeah, yeah, save it. I've changed a little I'm not exactly the same person." He explained, kicking a rock with his foot.

We'll see about that I thought to myself while walking to the bus stop with James.

It was weird walking in silence, I could tell something was on James' mind. He was almost never quiet, he was always picking at me. Mumbling up the courage I decided to bring up my most dreaded subject.... Why?

"Hey James?" I asked shyly.

"Yeah?" he stopped walking and turned towards me.

Then the bus pulled up beside us and honked it's horn before I even had a chance to finish my sentence. I hadn't even realized we stopped at the bus stop.

I sighed while getting on the bus and sitting in the very back.

James sat near the middle flirting with some blonde Barbie doll. Who happened to be in a skirt wayyy too short.

Figures, he's exactly the same. Other than he actually says sorry now. But that doesn't mean he meant his apology. Sorry doesn't fix everything.

I decided to pull out my Motorola G Android and begin to text my best friend Miranda.

She was still on vacation as of yesterday and didn't get to come to school. I couldn't wait to tell her about my summer and ask her how her vacation was. She went to some glorious beach and stayed at a 5 star hotel. Oh what I would give to get a break from this forsaken town.

Fateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें