8: Lynching does not make one float

Start from the beginning

This was followed by multiple yells of agreement. Mostly those Murphy had mistreated.

'Lynching does not count as one floating,' Olivia thought to herself as she frowned at the thought.

She noticed Clarke try to difuse the situation but it wouldn't work as the entire lot overpowered her, pushing her out of the way to get to Murphy despite her pleas for them to stop.

Following close behind she ran to him when they pushed him down a hill towards a tree where they'd hang him.

Before anyone could grab him Olivia held up her bow to the people in front of her, causing the group to become silent.

"Murphy didn't kill Wells. You want someone to kill I'm waiting for you right here," she said loudly causing everyone's eyes to widen as they heard the silent woman speak for the first time.

As no one moved a muscle she quickly went to Murphy and gently sat him down, taking off his gag and binds.

Someone tried lunging at her but that only resulted in her hitting him with her bow across the face.

"What are you doing Olivia?" Clarke asked with her brows furrowed as she saw that she was willing to die for him.

"Saving an innocent. You don't attack someone where they are turned around. C'mon! Are you lot just a lot of pansies?!" She questioned in anger before tieing the gag on her mouth.

They reluctantly came to her gently slipping the rope over her neck as she willingly stepped on the platform that would soon be kicked away as she had planned.

They quickly tied her hands and feet to each other as she stood waiting for her final moments... To die as an innocent woman.

She met eyes with Charlotte as she shook her head noticing her trembling lips.

"Bellamy you should do it," the boy that had been urinated on said hesitantly as they all watched in silence as Bellamy watched with wide eyes.

"You can stop this! They'll listen to you!" Clarke said pushing Bellamy to get his attention.

"I saw you guys in the woods with Atom, you and I both know that she's not a killer... Please Bellamy don't do this- we all know she didn't kill Wells," Clarke said urgently as she tried stopping him only for him to walk towards Olivia slowly.

The crowd watched in silence as Olivia nodded her head to Bellamy for him to kick what she was standing on.

He knew just from what she had said at the tent and the look in her eyes at that moment, she was not the killer.

Before he could walk away one of the guys standing by his side went and kicked the thing she was standing on causing her to choke on the rope that was around her neck as she hung in silence.

It was the boy she had hit across the face.

Her laboured breaths being the only thing you could hear, this caught Finn's attention as he ran over to where the large group was formed.

Charlotte watched in horror as she saw her only friend be hung because of her actions, tears flowing freely from her face.

Murphy watched with wide eyes as he looked up to the woman that had sacrificed her own life for his.

"Stop it cut her down!" Finn yelled as he broke through the crowd trying to get to the woman that was struggling less and less.

"No, Bellamy No!" Clarke yelled out in tears as people started to yell in disagreement to hanging her as well.

"This is on you princess! None of this would have happened if you kept your mouth shut!" Bellamy said nearly in tears as he screamed at her.

"What the hell are you doing! Cut her down now!" Finn said as he tried fighting his way through the group as all anarchy let loose.

People began to yell and fight more as more and more wanted to let the girl down.

Let one of their leaders down.

"Charlotte get out of here now! Cut her down!" Finn said as he ran up to Olivia only for the one that kicked the box from her feet to hold a knife in front of him to stop him from advancing.

"Get out of my way," Finn growled as he saw Olivia become a slightly different colour due to lack of oxygen; her laboured breaths becoming fainter and fainter with each second they waited.

"Stop! Okay? Olivia didn't kill Wells!" Charlotte suddenly yelled causing Olivia to faintly hear in her garbled mind of depleted oxygen. Everyone's yells suddenly quieted as they heard the young girl scream.

Despite her gag and the lack of oxygen in her system she still managed to make noise that sounded like,

'No Charlotte,'

This caught Bellamy's attention as he connected the dots in his head.

"I did! She only said that to protect me and Murphy," she yelled causing Bellamy to quickly grab his axe and cut the rope which caused Olivia to fall straight to the ground.

"Olivia!" Bellamy yelled as he lifted the girl from the ground and cut off her gag.

Bellamy quickly lifted her and walked towards Charlotte slightly glaring at the small girl for causing an incident that large that could've cost the life of Olivia.

As he heard her laboured breaths from his arms he felt a panging feeling from deep inside his chest which made him nervous.

Nervous for whether or not the girl in his arms would be alright or not.

Bellamy quickly led Clarke Finn and Charlotte in a large tent like the one they had discussed the whole Wells' situation in.


《Silence》B. Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now