chapter 10

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I wake up before fawn this time and I take a second to just look at her and she looks so beautiful and peaceful. "Good afternoon my love" she opens her eyes and says "good afternoon" I grab my phone from my night stand and I see it's only 5 o'clock great. "It's 5 o'clock what time did your mum say you had to be home?" She checks her phone and say "8" I smile and say "well we have 3 more hours what do you wanna do?" She scratches her head and says "hmm I don't know" I laugh and say "how about we go swimming?" Her eyes light up and she says "sure! Wait I don't have a bathing suit" I get up and go into my sister gemmas room and get one of her bikinis and I walk back into my room and I say "here you can wear one of gemmas if you want and it's clean don't worry" she laughs and says "you never told me you had a sister Harry" I look at her and say "sorry but she wasn't here today so I thought it wouldn't matter" she gets up and kisses me and says "it's alright now I'm gonna go change" I nod and she walks into the bathroom and I take out a pair of swimming trunks and I remove my jeans and my shirt and I put my trunks on over my boxers and right when I sit down I see fawn walk back into my room with gemmas bathing suit on and my jaw literally drops. And she says "w-what do I look bad?" I shake my head and say "no love you look absolutely amazing" she blushes and walks towards me and says "thank you and you look quite great yourself" I smile and say "thanks beautiful" I slowly lean in to kiss her but then I grab her and throw her over my shoulder and she screams "Harry put me down!" I chuckle and say "no can do babe" I walk down stairs and she says "harrrrrry put me doooooown" I laugh and then I hear my mum say "Harry put the poor girl down" I just keep walking and she says "sorry love I tried" fawn says "it's alright thanks for trying though​" once we get to the pool I hold onto her back and carefully set her down and she pouts. And I say "awe is baby fawn mad" she nods and says "yes, yes I am" I walk over to her and I say "what can I do to make it up to you" she smirks and walks over very slowly and whispers in my ear "I maybe have a way" I look at her and say "and what's that baby?" She smiles and says "this" and pushes me into the pool. I swim up and now I'm currently standing in the pool soaked and my curls are now completely wet. Fawn just stands there dry, laughing hysterically and I stand there pouting in the pool. She walks over to the edge of the pool and says "awe baby I'm sorry" a light bulb goes off in my head and hop out of the pool and say "it's alright but can I atleast have something" she nods and says "of course Harry anything" I smirk and says "can I have a hug?" While walking over to her and she says "no Harry please" I run after her and I chase her around the pool until I finally catch up to her and I grab her waist and I stop us and she says "harrrrrry" I chuckle and say "sorry but you needed some pay back" she rolls her eyes and says "whatever harry" I lean in and I give her a soft kiss, I pull her closer until I hear "*cough*" I look and I see my mum and we both pull away and blush. I smile and look at fawn and she is staring at the ground with red cheeks. I speak up and say "so mum um..What did you want?" She smiles and says "oh right I wanted to know if you lot were hungry because I made some snacks" I look at fawn and she is still at the ground so I say "sure" she nod and walks back inside and I say "fawn, love you don't have to be so embarrassed" she looks up and says "Harry your mother just caught us making out" I think about it for a minute and I mean she's right that is kinda embarrassing. "Love its alright she didn't even care your Alright" she looks at me with much more worry this time and says "but what if your mom thinks I'm done slut who's only using you for your body, oh no oh no" she paces back and forth and I grab her gently and pull her into my arms and say "princess you don't have to worry but it was my fault not yours and I know my mum and she wouldn't think that well because she would ask me and even if she did I wouldn't care because I love you and I wouldn't let someone's opinion get in the way" she gives me a quick soft kiss and says "thank you Harry" I smile and say "I love you princess" she smiles back and says "I love you too" and we walk into the kitchen and we sit down "here you guys go" and she hands us a plate and I say "thanks mum" she smiles and she says "thank you" my mum just nods, no smile and I look at fawn and she looks somewhat sad and we eat our food and no one says a word. After we are done fawn goes and washes her and my plate and she walks up stairs in the bathroom where her clothes are and I couldn't help but feel bad. My mum just gave her the most plainest face and she was already worried and now she thinks it even more. I go upstairs and I change into some sweatpants and a comfy t-shirt and when fawn comes out in her original school clothes she was crying. She grabbed her phone and I grab her arm and say "fawn what are you doing" she sniffles and says "my moms hear I told her to pick me up because your mom doesn't want me here Harry" I look at her and say "but I do" and she lowly laughs and says "I knew it" but then louder says "I'm sorry Harry, I love you and I'll see you tomorrow okay?" I nod and kiss her and say "goodbye princess I love you more" she smiles and I caress her cheek and we walk down stairs and she smiles at me and then she looks at mum and says "I'm sorry" with tears still down her face and then shuts the door and leaves and my mum doesn't even look affected. "Mum what was that" she sighs and says "nothing" I laugh and say "at first you liked her and now your acting like she's a monster" she looks at me and says "that's because I gave her a chance Harry and I see you too and I saw how she looked, she was trying to seduce you" I scoff and say "mum she was not!" She puts down her magazine and says "she's a slut Harry just like the other girls around school" I start to get angry "don't you dare call fawn a slut cause I well know she is not" she laughs and says "how Harry it's been two weeks for all you know she could've been sleeping behind your back" I go to the coat rack and grab my coat and say "you don't know anything about my fawn alright and o don't appreciate you using those words against her" she puts her magazine down again and says "Harry where are you going" I continue to slip my shoes on and say "I'm going to fawns house because she was crying when she left because she thought you thought she was a slut and she was using me and I told her u would never think that but I guess I was wrong" as I'm about to walk out the door I say "and for your information I kissed her first" and I slam the door and go to my car and start to drive to fawns house and I couldn't help but start crying. I love fawn so much and the thought of he hurt and by my own family makes me want to cry until I can't anymore, I can't stand when she's hurt because she's my princess and I don't know what in the world I would do with out her. I pull into her driveway and try to stop crying but I just can't, I take the keys out and walk up to her door still crying and knock on her door...

stutter {H.S}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang