Chapter 51: When Answers Become Questions That Is When..

Start from the beginning

"I knew you wouldn't believe me-"

"No it's just-"

"Does he seen distant with you?"He shortly asked, running his hand through his hair.

"Well... yes"

"Does he miss a lot of uni?"

Well over the past couple of weeks "yes but that's only because he's been going out with you to places!"I spoke.

"What? I haven't been meeting him or taking him anywhere?"Liam's eyes furrowed together in confusion then his face went emotionless.

My heart sank. I knew something was wrong. I knew something was off.

"Oh my god... where has he been going then?"

Liam put his head in his hands "I knew it... something's wrong, he's been meeting up with someone behind everyone's back"

I gulped. "He would never cheat Lia-"

Liam quickly engulfed me into a hug. Placing his head at the crook of my neck for comfort.

I forgot to hug him back as my thoughts ran wild. Luke could never... I needed to talk to him.

I wrapped my arms around him, seeing him broken for the first time. My heart aches.

"It's okay... I'll find out-"

"Knock yourself out, I asked him why he was acting so strange and he went on a massive tantrum. He left me at the beach and drove home..."

... "to walk back from the beach would have taken you around 2 hours"

You would know wouldn't you.

Shut up,not a good time.

He wouldn't do such a thing?!

"How has Luke not found us yet?"I suddenly spoke, he must be wondering where we went.

"No one else looks in this bedroom... me and Ethan used to come here all the time to hide. It's just one of those places you never look into.. or see"

"I'm going to go talk to him..." I smiled and Liam gave me a quick peck on the forehead as if to show his appreciation.


He spoke and I walked out before I could reply.

I walked to Luke's room and knocked.

"Where did you go?!"Luke huffed, opening the door.

"I wanted him to show me some of Ethan's baby pictures... to see if any had Dickens in it.. don't ask too long but it was pointless anyway..." I lied pathetically and he just shrugged.

"You could have told me instead of me wondering around like an idiot"

"I'm sorry you know when I get them thoughts and I have to do it right then.. yeah that was one of those moments. Anyway..." I inhaled a breath.

"You've been missing a lot of uni! I miss you!"I casually said.

He smiled. "I miss you too but Liam is just obsessed with me!"He lied. Straight to my fucking face.

My smile dropped and his then dropped.

"Hey... if you miss me that much that I'll do on Monday okay?"He spoke softly running his hand through my hair.

"Would you every cheat on someone chubby?"I asked sadly and he looked taken a back.

"Blair why are you saying tha-"

"Yes or fucking no Luke"

He looked at me in shock and confusion.

"No" I sighed loudly and collapsed on the bed. Thank the lord.

You're just going to trust his word on this? Are you this dumb Blair?

I've known him all my life I'm sure!So piss off!

"Why would you- do I even want to know?"He asked smiling and I shook my head.

"Nope all you need to know is that I love you chubby"I smiled as he hugged me, there was a little pause before he smiled against my hair.

"Love you too...unfortunately"He muttered and my smile dropped.

I pushed him back a little so see his sullen face.

"What do you mean unfortunately?"I furrowed my eyebrows together in annoyance.

"Can I tell you something?"He spoke seriously and sat me down.

"-Yes" why was I scared?

He opened his mouth and right on cue my phone rang. I looked on over to the caller ID and it was my dad.

"Continue Luke" I whispered putting in on silent.

It kept vibrating as he tried to speak so I cut it.

"Go on" I urged and he smiled.

"I'll tell you after you answer the call beauty"He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

Picking it up, I spoke "Hello dad-"

"You're in Luke's room?"He cut me off his voice sounded tense, on edge, frightened?

My eyes squinted in confusion. "Yes how did you kno-"

"Get out"He firmly spoke.

"Excuse me?"


-----------------1220 words------------

What is happening? Any ideas?😄

Thank you for all your support while I've been away, honestly all your messages, comments and PMs have not gone unnoticed; you are the best people  supporting me than I could ever wish for!😊

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Stay smiling you're beautiful💜❤️💛💚💙💖

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