Chapter 5:"I Might Be Young But I Aint Stupid"You sure?

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Chapter 5:"I Might Be Young But I Aint Stupid"You Sure?

That ass.

There's Is no point what so ever in going to the next period..because it'll be over in about thirty minutes anyway and I'll have no idea what I'm doing.

Atleast it wasn't a full day!

But I'm such an idiot I made myself stay here till 2:00.

Might as well start on that essay I stupidly got myself in too.Wait what time is it?

I looked down at my phone as I walked to a nearby bench inside the university cafe.


Should be enough time..fingers crossed.Dammit but I haven't got my laptop.

"Stupid"I mumbled to myself,chanting it as I placed my bag down.

Picking my owl covered bag up yet again I started shuffling through it for paper.Yes I'm mad.Paper will have to do it.

What am I going to start it by?

Well,Sherlock I suggest I should listen to my proffesor as...

I wanted to bang my head against the table just thinking about writing about him.

"Okay shut up Blair,concentrate."Wow now I'm talking to myself.No more Interruptions work.

I took a long breathe before my pen hit the paper as I began to write.I should listen to my professor as he knows what he's doing and has great qualifications.Yeah qualifications in annoying me.

This job is what he has trained for so I know I could learn something from him if I keep my ears open and my mouth closed.Okay then..i learnt so far everyone's name in my class which I already knew.


As I recounted all the words that were hand written,my hand was in pure misery and pain,every letter I wrote gave me severe wrist pain and my fingers felt like all the blood has just gone to it and froze.

2478 words.


Well your the one that said it would he in by tw-

I know what I said!

I might of counted wrong though.I traced my finger access every word I numbered.

2478 words.

I did a slow long sigh,thank god no one was here.

Just 22 words more that's alright.

My hand is dying.

Yeah bu-

My hand is dying.

I give up!

I went to write again but nothing appeared on the page.OH MY G- god.

My pen ran out and I didn't even have another one in my pockets or bag.Im such an idiot.

Now i have to go to my car just for a pen..

I got up taking the essay and everything with me as I placed it in my bag neatly so it wouldn't get ruined.

As I got into the carpark it was empty and silen-

"Yeah I'm the new Geography lecturer..proffesor..err Whatever!"A Womanly voice screeched and it was so silent I swear it echoed.

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