So Dad is a Dad who's a Dad, but Dad?

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"I mean can you move?" Jackie asked me with legit pity and worry in her eyes. She was driving me home because my fingers could barley move let alone my arms, so a crash would have been inevitable. I tried to sit up in my seat but ended up groaning and sinking back.

"I hate football," I hissed. This was my second week of practice and to be honest, I hated it more and more everyday. Ronan makes fun of me like always and I'll get him right back, Petie makes sure to trip me at every point possible, and the football boys are having a ball with me when I'm in the locker room and they strut by naked asking me "you like it, fag?". My life was a living hell and I had no one to blame but myself.

"Is Dakota playing nice?" she teased. I huffed and she snickered. Ronan never plays nice. It not even in his vocabulary. Well, except that day he hugged me and I mean I kind of don't count that. I was crying and I look sexy as hell crying so there was no way he could have denied me.

"Do you know Gabriela?" I asked. Her head snapped over and she licked her lips.

"Who doesn't know her! Oh that bitch got a body!" I laughed as Jackie did some wack job dance in the driver's seat of my truck. "I would lick her-"

"Don't care!" I yelled. She snickered and kept on driving. Lesbian.

"Why do you ask?" She said after a long silence.

"Ronan likes her." I practically spit out. How could he like HER. She only likes guys on the darker side of the spectrum and she doesn't like anyone with a higher IQ than she has. She always wore shorts that my unborn baby brother could wear and wore tops that didn't meet her stomach. Maybe she could pass as eye candy but for him to actually like her was beyond me.

"You're jealous!" she yelled.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"



"Vagina eater!"

"Snicker Licker!"

I put my sore hand against my even sorer chest. "I am appalled! I have never tasted black you know what before!" She laughged as we pulled up to my house. I saw my dad's blue Mustang parked in the driveway and I knew I was in for something. Let's go through the check list.

1. Anything illegal?

Not that I remember

2. Broke anything?

A lava lamp last year but he never noticed.

3. Hot sex on his bed?

Not since Tyler has been in the hospital and I don't think he knows about any other time.

"Why do you look like that?" Jackie asked.

"Dad's here. I'm dead. Tell Tyler I love him." She snickered and hopped out of my truck. She helped me to the door and then ran back to where Sarah, her girl toy, was pulling up. She waved and then ducked into the Volkswagen. I sighed and then limped my way into the house until I saw dad sitting on the couch with a woman. Not just any women, but a women that was not ugly!

"Dad, who's this?" I asked. She looked up at me with bright, brown eyes. She was flawless in every way. Her lips were plump with red lipstick coating them. Her face was heart-shaped, making her eyes that were pulled up slightly at the corners look bigger. She had long black hair that was clipped back on one side but the other side flowed down. She was wearing a red sundress with black belt just under her perky chest and had leopard print shoes with red interior. She was flawless and fashionable. I must have her.

"This is Nikita," he said with a smile. "She's my co-worker and-"

"You're not fucking her!?" I yelled throwing my aching arms in the air. Nikita looked absolutely flustered as dad scowled at me. "Dad, you're not THAT old! All your parts still function, what is the hold up? She is smokin' and that is saying something if your gay son is hitting on her!"

"I like him," Nikita said. She got up and wrapped her slender arms around me. I smiled and gladly hugged her back as dad starting making yelling gestures with his hands, telling me to knock it off or I was going to die at a very young age.

"So are you and my dad fucking?" I asked. My dad threw his head back onto the couch. At least I would stay pretty forever.

"No, I'm just his co-worker. He won't let me in his pants," she whispered for only me to hear. I laughed and dad git a confused look. Where had this women been my whole life? She looked to be about my dad's age, but could also still pass for thirty. She was funny, and perky, and had all the things I would want in a girl if they had a penis.

I grabbed my future mom's hand and drug her into the kitchen. My body did not like that but I was too happy to care. "So, Spider, tell me about yourself."

I smiled and clasped my hands together. "Welllllllll. I'm gay, duh. I have a boyfriend named Tyler and we've been together for ever. He is a football player and is now in the hospital because of it. And I used to be head captain of the cheer leading team until I took a dare from the football players and now am a part of the Sharks's football team. I have an enemy names Dakota Ronan and I really hate his damn guts and it has always been like that since the second grade. My favorite color is, Neon green because regular green is like so three years ago. My favorite animal is a hippo and I want to be a marine biologist when I am older." Nikita looked at me with wide eyes as she attempted to comprehend my babbling. I smiled again and then dad walked in with his tie loose and a look of exhaustion on his face.

"Son, can you not scare her?"

"You're already doing that Mr. I-am-going-to-be-celibate-for-the-rest-of-my-life! She wants the D dad! Give it to her!" I screamed. Nikita laughed but dad was not so amused.

"Nikita can you give me and my son a second? If you hear him scream, just leave and never look back." She laughed and brushed by him, giving me a wink. I smiled and as soon as she was out of sight, i was in a headlock.

"Why can't you be a normal son and think my sex life is gross and none of your business?" he hissed. I kicked him in the shin and we both fell with me on stuck under his giant body.

"I'm gay! I'm never going to be normal! Just ask mom!" He completely stopped and looked down at me with sad eyes. I sighed and hit my head against the tile. "Damn, dad. That was harsh. I-"

"You were just telling the truth like you always do," he heaved. At that moment I saw just how old my dad was. Just how tired and beat down he is on the inside. Just how much he loved me and what he gave up to keep me.

"I love you, pops."

He chuckled. "I unfortunately love you too." We embraced on the floor as my heart recovered from the conversation known as my mom. I hated her with every little ounce of my body and I hoped she knew it. Actually, I don't think she would even care to be honest. She was just that bitchy.

"Awwww!" Nikita cooed and we both separated and tried to play off that we were actually men. I was gay and all but still being caught hugging your dad was still embarrassing.

"How about we go out and get ice cream?" Dad said.

"Uh, hell naw! Its all about that frozen yogurt, dad! Now get your ass and wallet in the truck or I will move it for you. Nikita, lead the way." She smiled and gladly strutted in front of me.

My life.

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