Bite Me

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Shane the man to the left!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It was the first day of school and I was already hating my life. For the past week, I had been going to practice and going to see my boyfriend in the hospital thanks to Ronan. I scowled as the name rolled around in my head. That little prick had just gotten the tip of the iceberg with the pink hair dye, he was about to get a hell of a lot worst.

"Earth to Spider! Dude, come back down," Shane yelled as he threw his huge hand in my face. I shook my head attempting to clear my mind as I looked over at my friends pretty face. He had dark brown eyes that resemble dark chocolate and dark brown hair to match. He has been my friend since last year and if absolutely adore him.

"Worried about Tyler?" He asked. I absently nodded. I felt eyes on me so I turned around to find blue, purple eyes burrowing into mine. He seemed shocked for a second an then he snapped out of it and just flashed me a wicked smile.

"Ronan," I growled.

"Blake," I saw him mouth. My blood boiled at just the cocky lift of his lips. He was such a fucking jerk! The bell ringing brought me out of my stare feat with Ronan. He winked at me and I gladly flipped him off as I got up and walked away from my table to my next class.

"Hey, how's Tyler?" Shane asked me to distract my constant mind.

"Fine, he keeps trying to have dirty hospital sex with me." I laughed as I remembered him putting his hand in his very prominent appendage. Tyler was such a little horndog.

I was walking and adamantly talking to Shane when suddenly a locker was thrown open and slammed into my face. I stummbled back, falling straight on my ass with blood gushing out of my nose. "Damn it!"

"Sorry, fag, didn't see you there," Peter, one of the football boys, mocked. He laughed with his friends as Shane tried to help me up.

"Oh you got a new gay lover since Tyler's gone?" That got a growl out of Shane. He was very protective of me like a good best friend should be. He was competky straight and everyone of those assholes knew it but of course they would take what they could.

"Charming as ever, Petie," I said as I held my nose. Shane was scowling at them with a look of pure murder while they just laughed. Although Shane was muscular and lean from swim, he was no match for the football team.

"Apologize," he demanded. Petie looked from his friends and frowned.

"Excuse me?"

Shane got in his face. "Apologize. Now."

"Or what?" Shane answered him by slamming his fist into Petie's face. The other football boys quickly jumped on Shane an that pissed me off so I jumped in the back of no other than the all knowing, Dakota Ronan. He grabbed at my hair trying to get me off, but I was a persistent bastard. Especially after hours of hot sex with Tyler I know how to hang onto about anything.

"Blake, you're fucking up!" He yelled and then slapped my back against the locker. I loosened my grip and then was suddenly thrown into the ground so hard my vision blurred. "Come on gay boy." I growled and kicked my foot out, knocking his giant, stupid ass down. I was on top of him in seconds throwing fist into his face like I had just weeks ago, but this time we were in school and there were actually trying to get me off the school's hero. When I was finally ripped off, Ronan's lip and nose were both bleeding an bruises were forming on his perfect cheek bones.

"Go!" Shane yelled at me, pushing me to the bathroom. Everyone was still in the hall as I leaned against the stall and looked at my busted up face. I was lucky to only have a busted nose and a major headache. "God, you showed him who was boss!" Shane was laughing hysterically as he leaned over at his waist.

"I hate him," I said bluntly. That word didn't even cover what I felt for Ronan. He was stupid, a jerk, a asshole, a egotistical fuck face, a gay hater, a - "GAHHH!" I screamed and punched the wall with all my might. A loud crunch happened and then I was holding my hand to my chest with Shane asking to see.

"Babe, let me see," he said. I shook my head as the door opened and Ronan walked in with Petie and one other football player. Everything froze as our eyes met. I wanted hit him so hard Australia called to tell him how bad it hurt. I wanted to knock him ugly, I wanted to knock him out. The hate I had for him dug deep into my soul. It was undeniable and uncontrollable.

"Blake, you're good at fighting," he said finally, catching me off guard. I looked at him curiously. What was he pulling?

"Leave him alone, Dakota," Shane warned. Ronan looked at me and then did that trade mark wink. I but my lip to hide the moan that rose up and then looked down at my feet. I hated that he still affected me after all these years. My hate couldn't even cover the lust that was inside of me. I had so many dream where I ripped his clothes off and let him take advantage of me but that was as far as my brain ever let us go. I wasn't allowed to imagine a future with him because me brain was smart and knew it would never fucking happen!

"You're definitely to pissy to ever do football, fag," Petie said with harsh eyes.

"I could do football and kick your ass anyway," I countered. He snorted while rolling his eyes at me.

"I dare you, bitch."

(One thing I don't take easily are dares. I have never backed down from one and funny thing is that, that was how I found I was gay. A girl dared me to kiss Tyler and everything else is kind of history. So now that this boy had not only called me 'bitch' but dared me as well, I was not about to back down.)

"How much you gonna bet on that?" Ronan was looking at me with a smirk but his eyes were filled with awe and wonder. I bet he thought I was fucking crazy and seriously I was not saying different as I sat there and took a dare about something I had no idea how to do.

"If you win this I will run around the school with 'I love gay boy' on my chest. I'll be completely naked," Petie said. Although that was appealing I had to say I didn't like the idea of Petie naked.

"Ronan has to do it," I said. Ronan looked at me with big eyes.

"Hell nah!" He screamed but Petie stuck his hand out and shook with me.

"Deal." And my fait was sealed with that one word. No more pom-poms, no more cheer uniform I was officially a football player as of today.

Screw me.

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