Fight me, Bro

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"Kota!" I yelled as he bit my lip in the middle of the hall. I slapped his shoulder and giggled as he buried his face into my neck. "Someone is going to see you!" He snorted and sucked my neck hard. I moaned and tried to keep my eyes open to make sure no one could see.

"I want people to see," he said. I shook my head and pushed him away from me. He smiled at me and flipped his hair out of his eyes. "Why don't you want people to see?"

I sighed. "Because we are not together officially and I don't want people to treat you different because you are gay for me." He rolled his eyes and grabbed my chin.

"What do you mean we aen't official? I think after pounding into you all night, that would make us official." My face heated as butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Oh, he was sooooo trying to turn me on.

"Well I was not asked and I refuse to be your boyfriend anyways." I slammed my locker as we walked to my off period and his office period. He opened the door for me and my eyes met Tyler's automatically. We had been at a silent war lately. His eyes always traveling with my body and mine always narrowing at him. Today he had tried to grab me and kiss me. I had pushed him away and then ran as fast as I could. I was such a bitch. I was not over him even after the crash he caused.

I sighed and looked up at Kota. "I love you're eyes," he whispered. I smiled and leaned into him without thinking. He snaked an arm around me as he lead me to my seat.

"You are so dirty," I said. He threw his leg over my desk so he was straddling it and smiled wickedly.

"Just filthy." I pulled out my book and tried to ignoe his package that was right in my line of vision. I read in peace for a while but then he started to flick the pages and poke at my cheek. I tried to ignore him, but he just stated to hum something off beat.

"This is boooooring!" he complained. I snorted while flipping my page. He puled something out of his pocket and then pulled one of my arms into his lap. I watched as he started to draw something on my arm in black sharpie. He focused hard and I looked at his face with a smile. His tongue was sticking out and his eyes were gleaming. When I looked back down, I gasped at the small art piece he had created. There was a dead tree with little leaves falling down my forearm. He had drawn a moon with a wolf howling at it with his eyes closed.

"Its beautiful," I said. I never wanted to wash my arm again.

"You're beautiful," he whispered. I blushed and looked down. He picked my chin up, making me look into his eyes. He leaned down and I leaned up but suddenly something hit me in the side of the head and ruined the moment. I looked over and found Tyler staring daggers at me.

"Hey, Dakota! I didn't know you were so interested in Spider!" He shouted. I looked back up at Kota and found him looking back at me, ignoring Tyler.

"I'm sorry," I said. He just shrugged and ignored Tyler's banters.

"That's my boyfriend you're looking at!" he yelled.

I spun around and growled, "I am not your boyfriend! You lost that privilege when you broke up with me and then sent me into a crazed frenzy that made me flip my truck and wreck, Ms, Scooby. You can take your bullshit cheating ass and shove that shit where the sun don't shine."

"Oh, baby, you still love me!" he cheered.

"I would love to kill you and ask, Mr. Ronan, I am quite notorious with attempts in murder." He got up fast and I did the same as Kota stayed and watched. This is what me and him were missing. We hadn't got this animosity out yet and now it was the volcano exploding."

"You are so missing this," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "You wish, dipshit! I am so over you!"

"No, you aren't. I see the way you look at me. The way you look like you want to fuck me."

"No. No. No. Honey, that's not lust, that's hate. that's me happy with all the visuals of castrating you filing through my head."

He snorted. "You would love to see my dick again, wouldn't you?"

"No, I've seen it and then I saw something much bigger." I winked back at Kota and he blew me a kiss.

Suddenly Tyler was gripping my face and he was close. "Did you fuck another guy?"

I pushed him. "I didn't fuck him! I made love to him over and over and over and ovvvvvveeeeeerrrrr again until I couldn't walk and then I fucked him once just for the hell of it!" People gasped. Tyler grabbed my face and then smashed his lips to mine with sloppiness that was painfully desperate. I pushed him off and threw him back into his seat.

"You leave me the fuck alone and I will spare you the ass kicking." I walked back to my seat and sat down as Kota looked at Tyler with hate filled eyes. I touched his cheek and he looked back at me. His eyes softened and he began to pout, looking like a scolded puppy.

"Oh just kiss me," I huffed. He smiled and leaned down. I snaked my hands around the back of his neck and kissed him softly. He smiled against my mouth and pulled me closer, taking over my sweet kiss and turning it into the battle of the tongues.

Suddenly, Kota was ripped away from me and I was thrown to the floor. "You slut!" Tyler hissed and then his foot connected with my ribs. I cried out and tried to protect my self from the next blow, but it didn't come. I looked up and found Kota on top of Tyler, slamming his fist into Tyler's face.

People began to cheer as others tried to pull him off. I watched in horror as Tyler slammed Kota on the ground and began to slam his head on the tile. Before I could think any better, I jumped on his back and pressed a pressure point between his shoulder and neck. He fell unconscious and then Kota looked up at me with a smile.

"I remember when you first did that to me," he said as blood came out of his lip and nose. I laughed and pushed my crazy ex-boyfriend off of Kota and then helped him up.

"God, I'n so hot fro you right now," I said. He smiled and kised me with his bloody mouth. People gasped as they took in Dakota Ronan, head defensive lineman, sexy eye candy, man whore of the century kiss the ex-head cheerleader, rising football star, gay beyond beliefe, mismatched eyes- you get the point- boy. He pulled away and then winked at everyone on the class.

"Dakota!" someone called. "Doed that mean you're gay?"

He threw his arm around me, "Damn straight.

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