Wake Up Calls

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Have you ever had that moment where you have absolutely no freaking idea where you are and you want to ask somebody, but there is a giant damn tube in your mouth? No? Oh...well this is awkward then.

I woke up with a jolt and felt my body scream as I did it. I looked around as the smell of antibiotics and soap wafted into my nose. I was in a hospital? Why the hell was I in a hospital? I looked around some more and found a giant bag on the ground with clothes popping out. They looked like my dad's.

"He-o?" I tried but the tube in my mouth blocked my sound. I pulled it out and then looked down at my arm to see a needle inside of me. I had never really been good with needles so I pulled that out and then took the stupid sticky thigys off of my chest and then the clippy thing on my finger. Something started to beep wildly and my eyes widened as I started to click buttons to shut it up.

Of course Spider! Break something just as you wake up! I finally got tired of it and unplugged the damn thing, but right as I did people flooded in with a cart. I looked over my shoulder and gave a smile. "Hi, I'm up?" I tried but they all just looked at me with wide eyes. "What!? Am I supposed to just stay in the bed when I get up!? There was a damn tube in my throat and I mean I'm all down for deep throating but that was a little far! I just want to go home and see my dad! I mean, really? Why am I even here?"

One of the doctor's took a step toward me and then threw something at me. I picked it up and found it was a mirror. I looked into it and saw a small scar through my eyebrow. And then that lead down to my eye. I dropped the mirror and screamed. What the fuck!

"I've never seen anything like it!" The doctor said. "People are born like that but-"

"Change it back!" I hissed. He shook his head.

"I can't. Your eyes is not going to change back, son. I would say embrace it-" I swung at the doctor and knocked him out. The others backed up as I hissed in pain. Not smart to swing when you feel like you were just fucked by a pile of bricks and you were bottoming. I looked down at the mirror on the floor and looked at my eye which was now a weird shade of blue that looked damn purple. I wanted to cry, I was a fucking freak now!

"What!?" I heard a familiar voice yell. "He did what!?" My dad. Definitely my dad. I ran past the nurses that helped the passed out doctor and then ran right into my dad.

"Spider!" he cheered as he hugged me to his chest. I let the pain take over because I wanted to hold my dad. I nuzzled into his neck and cried silently.

"Does he remember anything?" my dad asked the doctor.

"We didn't;t get to ask. We were shocked with his eye," the nurse said. "And then he knocked out Doctor Davidson."

My dad looked down at me as I kissed my fist. "Call me Mike Tyson." He snorted and then held me closer.

"I missed you so much," he whispered.

"I couldn't have been here long, dad," I said. He froze and then looked me in my freaky eyes.

"Son, you were in a coma for three months." My eyes widened and then my head began to throb. Images of football, Ronan and I hanging out, kissing, arguing, Tyler breaking up with me, and then my truck flying.

"Ms. Scooby!" I screamed as I fell to the ground. My dad looked down at me confused. I cried hard as I thought of my little drag scooby that was probably trashed in the crash. I held my knees to my chest as I rocked back and forth.

"Son, you look insane," my dad said. I looked up and found him protecting me from the doctor that was coming at me with a needle. I backed up and hit something but pushed it and then someone fell on top of me. I pushed against whatever was on me.

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