This Means War

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Dakota Freaking Ronan to the right!! Yum factor!! Thank you Christopher Blom

It was six o'clock in the damn morning and I was pulling up to my favorite coffee place. Practice was in twenty minutes and yet I still stopped to get some. Caffeine is seriously an addiction. I swear to it.

I walked into the small shop and was greeted by Lillie's love face. "Hey!" She yelled and started to make my usual. I was looking at a display rack when I was suddenly pushed to the side. I growled and looked up to find no other than Dakota Ronan standing with those damn eyes and a messy bed head.

"Watch where you're going," he said with a wicked smile. I ignored his childish behavior and secretly prayed for Lillie to hurry up. I felt his eyes on me and then he suddenly spoke. "You know Gabriella, right?"

My head snapped up and I narrowed my eyes at his big head. "Why?"

"Because she's hot and I was wondering if you could-"

"You can go fuck yourself," I hissed. He grabbed my arm when I started to walk away causing me to stumble back into his huge chest. I hit with a hard thud and then rubbed my head as he held me up.

"That was a little rough," I said. He chuckled as he pulled me up. One arm was around my waist as he leaned in close to me, making my eyes bulge. He squinted his eyes and then wrinkled his nose in distaste.

"You don't smell like you usually do." He sniffed again and then scanned my body that pulled up against his in a way too intimate way. I pushed against his arms but he didn't let go, probably wanting a reason for why I smelled like Chocolate Axe instead of Old Spice.

"I spent the night over Tyler's house and I had to use his clothes because I forgot to pack my own. Now, can you leave me the fuck alone and let me get my damn coffee before I show you what gay really is?" His eyes darkened before he looked away. He looked pissed as he pushed me away. His jaw twitched as he ground his teeth together like I did when he was around.

Just as I was walking away he mumbled, "i think you smell better without his smell on you." I don't think I was suppose to hear it but I did. It confused me but I wasn't about to let him ruin my day even more than he already had.


"That's his," Jackie said as she pointed to a locker. We had snuck into the boy's locker room. It smelled like feet and sweat. The grossness of football players. Yuck!

"Oh this is going to be fun," I said. She nodded her head. Jackie was a beauty. Her short, blonde pixie cut hair and her studded nose piercing. She had plump lips and gorgeous hazel eyes.

"Stop staring and do it!" She snapped. I shook my head coming away from her beauty and walked over to the locker. It was unlocked to my luck. I smiled wickedly when I saw his shampoo bottle. It was solid black and that made the demonic smile spread.

I pulled the temporary pink hair dye in my bag and opened sprayed the link goo into the bottle. I shook it hard and then laughed hard while Jackie watched the door. I noticed a picture sticking out from under his pants and grabbed it.

It was a picture of him and a little boy. The boy looked just like him with dirty blonde hair and purple, blue eyes. They were smiling brightly as Ronan hugged him from behind. It was probably his kid knowing his sexual history. I scuffed and then put the picture where it came from. We snuck out quickly. I had just commenced my first attack in this war he had started and I must say, this was going to be fun.

Now time for practice


I waited by my car with Jackie. I had a huge smile on my face as I waited for not only my boyfriend, but for pink headed Ronan as well.

I saw Tyler's big body come out and his face was a shade of red as he died of laughter. The sound echoed through the whole parking lot as all of them exited, but the one that stuck out was Ronan. With neon pink hair.

Jackie and I busted out laughing as he stomped over to me with a red face and a pissed expression. He pushed me against the car as Jackie snapped a pick of his hair.

"You little gay ass!" He yelled in my face. I laughed harder. God, he should know not to fuck with me by now. Especially after sixth grade when I poured steaming, hot chocolate all over his dick when he had picked on Jackie for being a lesbian.

"Baby, you look great!" Jackie said in a lousy French accent. I was still laughing when he grabbed both of my wrist and pinned my body against my truck. I heard all the football players still laughing. His dark eyes darkened with hate.

"You will pay for this," he hissed.

"Wouldn't ask for any different." We stared each other in the eyes until Tyler got there and cleared his throat.

Ronan dropped my wrist and then walked swiftly away. Only stopping once to say, "Blake."

"Ronan," I countered. It was an insult and we both knew it.

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