Apologies, Shots, Running, and More

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I walked into my third period and groaned. Tyler was leaning against my desk with sunglasses and his hair a sexy mess on his head. I rolled my eyes. I was still utterly pissed off at him for the whole argument. Kota and I had talked about it and he said maybe I should put myself in Tyler's shoes. I did and found that maybe I was being a little overboard, but one thing about me was that I hated being wrong, so I was going to wait until he apologized.

Kota and I had talked a lot actually. We spoke about his life and my life, skipping over my mom. We had a lot of memories together like the time I tried to kill him. The court said it was an accident but we both knew what was the truth. We laughed a lot and I found myself actually liking Dakota Ronan and the world hasn't ended.

I pushed my way by Tyler with my nose high in the air. I sank down into my chair as he leaned down and leveled his plump lips with mine. "You still mad?" he asked. I opened my book and stared down at it with a bored look. He slid onto my desk and threw one of his legs over my body so he straddled the desk. I looked right at his dick and suddenly lusted for his touch.

"Baby, come on," he said. He grabbed my hand and put it on his groin. I groaned as he moaned. I looked up into his green eyes and saw the sexy smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes when he leaned down. He claimed my mouth and slid so far forward that he fell into my lap. I smiled against his lips and grabbed his hips so he came further against my erection.

"Tyler," I moaned as he bit into my neck. I heard people giggling and some scuffing at our overly open affection. I mean we were practically dry humping in class. Luckily for us, this was our study hall and there was no teacher to get on to us for PDA.

He pushed his hands under my shirt and clawed at my more defined abs. He shivered as he got a feel of my new muscles. Football was a pain but it did have some benefits. Tyler licked at my throat. "I'm so sorry," he whispered. I smiled while digging my nails into his lower back.

"Oh, come on, Blake. Tone the PDA down." That voice rang through my head causing me to pull my mouth away from Tyler to look at Kota. He was wearing a black TCU hoodie with dark jeans and his beaten down converse. His eyes were cold as he looked down at me although his voice had been kidding.

"Jealous?" I teased.

"Not particularly," he said. Tyler pushed himself closer to me and I looked up to find him glaring at Kota. I grabbed his ass and he jumped.

"Stop," I hissed. He gave me a weird look and then smiled up a Kota.

"Thanks I'm fine. My ribs are all healed up and I'll see you at practice," Tyler hissed. Kota leaned over onto the desk with a glare right back at him.

"I don't believe I asked," Kota hissed.

"Hey-" I started only to be cut off when Tyler slammed his mouth to mine. I was momentarily stunned and when he ripped away from me, I was even more confused.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in class, Ronan?" Tyler asked. I looked at Kota and found him looking at me intently. I shrugged and he rolled his eyes.

"I needed to come get Blake. He is needed in the front office," he said. I looked up stunned and he just nodded his head. I picked Tyler up and sat him on my desk. I kissed him once and then started to walk away with Kota.

"Spider," Tyler called. I whipped around and found him standing there with big eyes. "I'll see you at practice, right?" I walked over to him and kissed him softly. He grabbed the back of my neck and deepened it. He kissed me until my knees were weak. He pulled away and then smiled at me.

"Love you," he said.

"Love you too," I said breathlessly. Someone grabbed my arm and yanked me away from my boyfriend. I blew him a kiss as we turned the corner. Kota slammed me into the lockers and put his forearm against it above my head.

Down and Dirty (BoyXBoy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt