Chapter 92: Wrong Side Of The Table

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While they had fun in the back seat, I made small talk with the cab driver. Kyle was a 20 year old guy in college who was driving cabs for money on the side. Apparently he had a pregnant girlfriend and was working on becoming a psychiatrist. I congratulated him on his success, wished him luck, and told him goodbye as we unloaded the cab at the rental car lot.

Tony walked inside, paid for the two cars, and brought the keys back out to us.

"Thanks, how much was it?" Colin asked, "I can pay you back—"

"No need," Tony insisted.

I realized he had a thing with money. It was almost like paying him back made him feel bad... It was weird. Colin just gave him a confuzzled look and took the keys from his hand.

"Suit yourself mate—"

"Hold on... Savannah and I were going to get sushi. Why don't you two come along?"

I glared at Tony who then smiled back over at me. Colin's face lit up, and he looked over at Callie.

"We'd be delighted," Colin proclaimed, "I know just the place, It's only a little over twenty minutes away, if you're up for the drive!"

"We'll follow behind," Tony insisted, heading towards the car.

We were almost at the car when we heard Colin call out to us.

"Remember, the steering wheel is on the right side of the car, and you drive on the left hand side of the road!"

Tony shouted back a thank you, and we got in the car.

"Savannah, I can barely drive on the right hand side of the road at home, much less the left here!" He claimed, psyching himself out.

"You'll be fine Tony just—"

"Wait... or was it the right side here and the left there?" He turned to me with a look of sincere confusion, "Which side does the steering wheel usually go on?"

It took some convincing, but I finally got Tony to calm down. He took some deep breaths, pulled out of the lot, and followed behind Colin. Shockingly, about half an hour later, we arrived at this relatively nice restaurant called Yamamori Sushi in one piece.

Since we were in Ireland, I didn't really understand why we went to a Japanese restaurant, but Tony really had his heart set on getting some sushi. We were shown to our booth, where Colin and Callie cuddled close, and I sat next to Tony.

The lovey dovey stuff was really starting to tick me off, and it wasn't just because I was jealous. There was no need for them to be that close to each other 24/7. Not to mention most of the time her nose was in her phone, bragging about being with Colin O'Donoghue, and how she was the luckiest woman on Earth...

We looked over our menus for a little bit, and a waiter came to our table to take our orders. Callie asked for a small sushi plate, accompanied by a glass of plum wine, and Colin ordered some fancy Bento box. Tony ordered the biggest plate of sushi he could get, some kind of fruity pink drink, and a banoffee pie, while I closed my menu and handed it to the waiter.

"Ma'am, would you like anything?"

All eyes fixated on me as I shook my head.

"No thank you, a glass of water is fine—"

"No it's not," Colin sighed, "She'll take the number four, and is there any way I can get that with chicken?"

"Just chicken?"

Nothing Is Forever [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz