Chapter 55 - Dinner At The Renee's

Start from the beginning

"No." I mumble against his lips as his hands go down to the zipper of my jeans. 

"Why?" He mumbles as he pushes me down on the bed. I sit back up and roll us over so i'm ontop of him.

"I need to get this paint out of my hair before it drys up." I say as I lean down and kiss him. Marshall smiles up at me as I lean down and kiss him one more time. I reach for the paint brush and brush it against his nose, making him curse under his breath as he laughs. 

"What time are we going to this dinner then?" I ask Marshall as I climb off him and walk towards my closet. 

"Shit, I forgot about that." Marshall says as he walks towards my bedroom door and locks the door. 

Marshalls Aunt Betty had come around last night and invited us for dinner today. It was originally meant to me on Halloween but Marshall is spending halloween with Hailie and Alaina. 

"We have an hour." He says. 

"What shall I wear?" I ask as I look through the racks of clothes. 

"Wear anything." I hear him say. 

"I I wear a dress or-" I start but get cut off. 

"My family ain't like yours, baby." I hear him say, making me blush at the last word. "They're not the dress up type." He adds. 

"So shall I wear jeans then?" I ask. 

"You can wear a trash bag and you'll still look good. Come on, your gonna get us late." He says as I grab my clothes and walk out. 

I kiss Marshall on the cheek that's paint free and walk towards the bathroom. Marshall places his arm around my waist and pulls me against him as he kisses me on my neck. 

"I thought you said we would be late." I say as Marshall follows me into the bathroom and closes the door behind us. 

"You need more than an hour to get ready so we're going to be late anyway." Marshall smiles as he claims my lips. I walk backwards towards the shower as I kiss Marshall. 

"Doesn't mean we have to be anymore late." I say as I let him pull my shirt off. 

"I'll be quick, I promise. Plus, what's the point of trying to get there early when we know we're going to be late anyway." He shrugs as he reaches behind me and turn on the shower. 

"True." I shrug as I step into the shower and pull him in with me before we start to help each other take our clothes off. 


"You still on the pill?" Marshall asks as he ties the laces to his shoes.

"Mhmm." I hum as I grab my bag and walk out with Marshall right next to me. "Is Nathan coming?" I ask as we walk down the stairs.

"Unfortunately." Nathan says as he appears out of the kitchen with a apple in his hand. Marshall roll's his eyes at his brother as he watches him walk out. 

"Do they not get along?" I ask Marshall as I slide the engagement ring down my finger. 

"They hate eachother." Marshall states. "Aunt Betty and my mom are always fighting and Nathan takes mom's side." He explains as we walk out of the house. 

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