Chapter 8: Escape

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       “The antidote seems to be working…” the man noticed.

       “Who are you?” Rendell asked.

       The man snorted. “I think you should realize that you are in our domain and therefore you have no right to ask questions.” He said coldly.

       “But I want to ask you something.” Rendell said. “Why did you let me live? I heard that it was a man named Lord Wilston who gave the order to give me the antidote for the poison.”

       “Don’t misunderstand, Tearan. It is my dearaest wish to see a Tearan like you die by my hands but I cannot disobey the orders of Lord Wilston.”

       “Lord Wilston’s orders…?”

       “That’s right. He is our leader and the person you owe your life to.”

       “But I still can’t think of a reason why would he save me.”

       “I’m also confused like you…but maybe he thinks that you can be useful to us. Maybe he wants you to work as a spy for your own country.”

       “That’s impossible! I will never do a thing like that even if the consequence of my refusal will be death!” Rendell said firmly

       “You are full of loyalty, huh.”

       “Aren’t you the same?” Rendell answered back. “You will rather die than betray your country?”

       “Well…” the man said. “Anyway, what’s your name? And what are you doing here in the Brethan kingdom?”

       “I’m not going to answer your question.” Rendell said firmly.

       The man stared at him and looked at his determined face. “I’ll ask you again.” He said. “What is your name? What is your business here in our kingdom?”

       “I will not tell you anything.” Rendell said. Without any notice the man suddenly kicked him hard in his right side, then at his back and stomach. Rendell started coughing but he didn’t scream out of pain. The man continued hitting him without stopping. Rendell doubled over the stone floor, curled up because of the pain.

       “What’s your purpose for coming here?” the man asked again. “What are you doing in the Secret Garden of Prayer?”

       Rendell remained silent. He didn’t want to answer because he might no longer get his Proof back.

       “Why do you have King Elmar’s sword? Answer me!” he kicked Rendell hard in the stomach. “Tell me how you took it from Lady Lenyl! How dare you take it! That sword only belongs to Prince Mikhail! Answer me right now!”

       That name ignited something deep inside of Rendell.  He stared back at the man and spat some blood. “I’ll only answer questions if Lord Wilston himself will be the one asking them…” he said.

       “What? You dare demand in your current situation? You have no right!”

       “Then you are just wasting your time on me because I will never answer your questions!”

       Rendell knew that the man’s patience was nearing its limit and he might just die there any second but he knew very well that he shouldn’t just give in.

       “You scum!” the man started hitting him again.

       The pain that he was feeling became worse than ever as he was repeatedly beaten up. The pain was even worse than being poisoned. He wished that if he was going to be tortured, they may just poison him again.

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