And Burn Your Bridges Down by treacle_tartlet

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And Burn Your Bridges Down by treacle_tartlet

Genre: Angst
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 10k
Tag: Post Hogwarts, Auror


After Harry and Ginny break up, Ron and Hermione drag a reluctant Harry along to the travelling show that has set up on the outskirts of Hogsmeade. Of all the strange things he sees there, Draco Malfoy is by far the most unexpected.

Author's Note:

Heartfelt thanks to my darling beta/cheerleader team; B1, B2, L, and M.   


"Yeah, well, don't tell anyone I helped you out by stunning a couple of Muggles, will you? I'm pretty sure they frown upon that sort of thing when you're training for law-enforcement."

Malfoy snorted with what might have been laughter, and shook his head.

"Good night, Potter."

"'Night, Malfoy."

With that, Malfoy headed back towards the cluster of caravans, and Harry made for the main gate. It was locked when he got there. He glanced around, and, seeing nobody in the vicinity, Apparated home.  

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