An Act of Simple Devotion by blamebrampton

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An Act of Simple Devotion by blamebrampton

Genre: Romance, Humor
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 14k+
Tags: 8th year, Bottom!Draco


It's a age-old story. You fancy a boy and you think he fancies you. Sure there are problems – attacks on former Death Eaters, crazed tabloid journalists and your girlfriend – but you have a cunning plan. Now if he'd only explain the L. Ron Hubbard-like references ...

Author's note:

Going way back in time here ... This story was written back in 2007 as a last-minute pinch-hit for hd_holidays on LJ. A friend was modding the fest and had one of her very late entries fall out, so asked me to come up with something. I was on holidays, but said I would do my best. It would probably have been better had I not spent 26 hours of my limited writing time in two traffic jams (Australia, where they do things on a grand scale!).

This story is something that I have always wanted to rework into something bigger and more filled-out, however, it looks as though I won't have time to do that until about 2050. So I've cleaned it up a little and am archiving it here, instead. The prompt asked for an 8th year story where people came together in surprising ways, with affectiony bits and the media, and a bunch of other things I can't recall but which made it all logical at the time. The lovely jadzialove beta-ed it under extremely trying circumstances, and we actually made the deadline, which was nothing short of a miracle.]


"...and Draco is making a noise that sounds something like a small frog faced with the decimation of the Amazonian rainforest."

"What we are is the future of the Ministry. Most of us will be working for them within two years. We are the wave of change for the good that will clear out all the crap that has been allowed to fester there."

"So, just like a revolution, but with business dress and legislation?" Lee grins.

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