Baby Mama Drama by Stars-and-Stones

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Baby Mama Drama by Stars-and-Stones

Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: Mature (for late Chapters)
Word Count: 73k
Tags: 8th year, De-aging!fic


Draco and Potter once again find themselves fighting. But what happens when Draco's spell goes wrong, and he has to take care of an indisposed Potter?

Author's Note:

This is PWP - an 8th year at Hogwarts. I HAVE NAMED THESE PEOPLE MIRACULOUSLY ALIVE: Lupin, Sirus, Dumbledore, and Snape. I don't know how they all stayed alive, but they didn't die in this fic. ALSO! This shall be an eventual DracoxHarry. I think this is going to be a pretty long story and I don't know how long it will take me to finish, but I know it'll be fun to write and hopefully fun to read! And yes, damnit, I did get the title from the movie with Tina Fey. :P


Draco stared blankly at the little boy in front of him. The black-haired boy stared back with green eyes, his thumb stuck in his mouth.

Draco blinked once, going over what happened in his mind


"What's wrong, Potter?" Draco sneered, deflecting the weak jinx sen his way. "Is the poor baby afraid to be seen crying?"

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Potter shouted, wiping his eyes furiously as he blindly shot hex after hex towards his school nemesis.

Draco laughed, almost cruelly, then raised his wand and began an incantation. However, one of Harry's jinxes hit him square in the chest. He flew backward and slammed into the opposite wall, his spell unfinished. Dazed, he sat up. That was a strong hex Potter hit him with. Stronger than anything he thought the boy to be capable of, even considering what had happened the previous summer. But - speaking of Potter- where is he?

Draco looked around, and found Potter's robes in a pile on the floor. Draco paled. His jinx was supposed to put Potter in a diaper with a bonnet and binky, to emphasize the whole baby joke. But he never finished the incantation - did the jinx backfire? Where was Potter now? Did the spell hurt him?

The robes moved, and a mess of black hair popped out. Draco felt his heart start to beat again, though faster than normal. He didn't hurt Potter, he just shrank him.


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