A Certain Kind Of Memory by jamie2109

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A Certain Kind Of Memory by jamie2109

Genre: Angst and Romance
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 96,105
Tags: Post Hogwarts EWE, Major Character Death


What would you do if you were given less than a year to live? An uplifting Harry Draco story.

Author's Note:

This story is completed and I'll be posting approximately every three or four days, or maybe weekly. There is major character death in this one, though you will not see the major character die, that takes place in between chapter 16 and the epilogue. Whilst the major character does die, this story was intended to be an uplifting story to finding love where you least expect it and learning to appreciate those those wonderful moments we take for granted. Thank you to my betas nocturnali and lucioloy, without themthis might be incoherent.



It almost doesn't matter. When I'm gone they can call me what they like. Coward or no, I won't be around to see it, will I?

I won't be around to see anything. Not their weddings, or when they have children, or move house, or get a new job.

I have a year left to do everything I ever wanted in life.

Where do I even start?

Video Title:
A certain Kind of Memory
Video Maker:
PG13 / T
Materials Used:
Traditional drawing > Digital painting in Photoshop Cs5 + After Effects
Credit Music: Fix you by Coldplay, lyrics provided if those of you who never listen to the music before. Some scene is really weird, but oh well. ( When I was doing the last few scene, I nearly sob and gave up painting because it was so sad ; A ; )
Warning:  Minor explicit content, major character death, angst, major sobs at the end.

Video Maker note:
Please do excuse the roughness of the art piece, it was a rushed piece of project since I challenge myself to finish it in 2 days, which ended up 2 and a half day to finish the whole thing entirely. And also some random misplacement of the lyrics in the video. There's alot of random thing going on in the video, but argh, who cares! I'm done and I'm happy! Woot!

Somethings to take care of while watching the video, the lyrics are part of the major role in the story, either try to listen to the song carefully or read the lyrics if you had time. It actually leads the story. (Which I will explained later.)

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