i stole his underwear & he stole my heart! (head mistriss&delinquent) part 2

Comenzar desde el principio

"What room are you in?" I asked, hoping it was mine.

"676, and you?" Yay! Maybe the world liked me a little after all.

"Wow. Sucks for you." But she laughed, and put a sympathetic arm around my shoulders.


"Every dorm has a tradition that a newcomer has to obey. Out tradition is to have the newbie sneak into the Knight dorms and retrieve a pair of underwear from the room we choose."

I hate you world.

"What happens if you don't do it?"

"That's never happened before. You just have to...but tradition is if someone doesn't complete the task you completely ignore their existence and put itching power in their blankets, and fart on their pillows... you know the usual." Eek! I didn't want anybody's fart juice in my face while I slept!

"Don't worry we'll pick a good room." Veronica said and we finally got there. It looked like a small white building with glass doors and large glass windows.

She lead me all the way up to a hallway full of doors with numbers on them until we got to 676.

It was huge! Well... sort of. It was like a really nice apartment. From what I saw there were two other girls sitting on pink and orange bean bags.

"This is Pumpkin, she's our new roommate." Veronica ruffled my hair and I felt at that moment we could be really great friends.

"I'm Felicity Gerard," the girl said, "This is Hannah Babbitt."

Felicity, was tall and stick thin with her soft ebony hair cut into a fashionable bob, Hannah was slender, but had curves I needed a lot more than she did..booo...She also had golden colored hair and pretty green eyes.

"Well, you can share a room with Hannah, because me and Veronica already share ours together."

Hannah smiled and showed me the room. It had pink walls, two fluffy beds and a poster of a cute bunny.

"We have a lot in common." I said and she laughed.

"Yea, I'm a girly girl." I didn't bring any of my stuff, because the old guy-Mr. Peterman-said he'd have them delivered by the end of tonight. I asked Hannah if I could barrow a pair of her P.J's, but all she had was a tight ass pair of booty shorts and a tiny tank top that didn't go past my belly button. I didn't mind because, everyone else was walking around in almost the same thing. Soo...

We all watched cartoons for a bit, but then we found Harold and Kumar 2. I choked on my popcorn when the cockmeat sandwich part came up... by the end of it, Veronica stood up and said, "ok, it's time. I'm really sorry to do this to you Pumpkin, but you have to go through with our tradition."

Oh...the underwear thing!?

"um..." I took a deep breath. Don't be a pussy! "ok, let me just change..."

"I'm sorry, orders are you have to go in your pajama's, we all did it."

Hannah smiled, "I was wearing a red see through night dress, with nothing underneath. Imagine how I felt!"

Wow, that made me feel at least a little better.

"ok fine, I'm going in!" I felt like some sort of lousy Austin powers, as Hannah, Felicity, and Veronica lead me to the Knight dorm. It was huge, almost an exact replica to our dorm. Dam it was soo freezing! I shivered.

"what dorm number?"

"337." Hannah answered, looking apologetic.

"Who lives there?" they wouldn't answer me, they just sort of looked guilty...oh crap it's some sort of ass or a perv or some sort of creepy stalker nerd.... Oh my that rhymed!

"Ok, good luck!"

"Hey wait a minute how do I get in?" I couldn't just waltz in willy nilly!

"Use the back door, don't worry you won't get caught, the dorm manager's a student so he doesn't are who sneaks in or out." Well that was convenient.

I had only a little trouble as I sneaked upstairs. I looked super retarded, I was walking like a crab hoping no one would see, and if anyone had I would have stabbed myself in the gut. Jesus this wasn't a good start at my new school. Sneaking into the boys dorm to get a pair of undies from some dude was the creepiest thing I had ever thought to do. Bitsie was die laughing if she could see me now! Heck if this were her in her PJ's sneaking crab-like-syle- into a boy's dorm to steal a pair of his boxers or briefs or...ugh...ew. What if that guy only wore speedo's, or some sort of banana hammock! Ugh what if he shat his pants a couple of times and left the crusty terd the dry in his closet?!!!

Oh god, something is wrong with me where the hell do I get these idea's?!

I opened the door slowly. Wow, this guy was really stupid, if he left his door unlocked.

I was biting my lip hoping he wiped his ass because I was NOT touching no skid marked undies that's for sure, you can fart on my pillow and put itching powder in my blankets but there was no way in hell I was touching something with...spillage.

I heard the faint sound of breathing, and rustling cloth. I could not afford to make a mistake now! I tip toed carefully over to a dresser and opened the first dwarer slowly....I sighed in relief. Regular boxers, clean boxers, I chose a black one-

"what the hell are you in here?" ...



I slowly turned my head, holding a pair of his undies, looking as guilty as if I had been caught masturbating .

"what the..." he looked me over. "do you have some sort of fetish? Does stealing a pair of underwear get you hot or something?"

"wh-what?!N-No, I was..I was just...! I'm new here! And this was some sort of ritual or rite of passage or something!" it was quiet for a minute, and then he turned on the lights.


He was hot. He was smexy. He was delicious! Oh my, oh my, if I wasn't caught red handed with a pair of his panties than I would have drooled and gurgled like a retard! He had golden colored hair, spiked this way and that, with piercings in his ears and snake bites, he had this lovely pair of blue green eyes that looked kind of..dangerous.

Goo goo gah gah...

(to be continued...)

i stole his underwear & he stole my heart! (head mistriss&delinquent)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora