Chapter XIX

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I laid upon a vast field of daisies. The sun was kissing my skin and I closed my eyes, enjoying the warmth it left on my cheeks. I sat up and looked back at my old house, where I had grown up. I smiled and began running across the lawn, feeling myself glide through the air a few moments every time I took a step. The back door was opened and I walked inside. It smelled like my home. It's a smell you can never forget.

I found my mother in front of the stove, humming to a song I didn't know. I called for her, but my voice faded away around me, as if I was standing a thousand miles away from her. I watched her intently as she walked past me, oblivious of my presence.

The front door opened and my father walked in, still in his police uniform. He kissed her cheek with a smile and I felt my heart warm a little. I watched them talk but I couldn't hear what they were saying. And then I noticed a girl standing behind them. Her dark hair was down, covering her face. She raised her head, revealing herself. I opened my mouth to let out a scream but no sound left my lips. It was the girl in my mirror. The girl with the missing face. I began screaming and crying but they couldn't hear me. My feet were stuck to the floor and I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything but watch as she approached them, raising the dagger above her head. Salathiel's dagger.

I felt my body go numb and I began screaming again. I watched as she plunged it into my father's back, watching him cry out in pain. My Mother didn't react, she only stood there and watched as his lifeless body crumbled on the floor, blood pooling around him. And then she looked up at me, her face calm and emotionless. She waved goodbye slowly and the little girl came behind her, sliding the knife along the skin of her neck, blood beginning to ooze from the wound until all the life in her had spilled on the floor.

I sat up, taking a deep breath, tears fogging my vision. I pressed my hand to my chest, feeling my heart patter and brought it up to my neck. I felt a shiver run down my spine and I turned my head, staring at the dagger on my night stand. I tossed it across my room, watching it land on the wood floor. I let out a shaky breath and rested my head against the headboard. I reached for my phone. 4:55 am. I had to get up in a few hours.

I couldn't fall asleep so I got up and made my way downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee. My Dad was already wandering around the kitchen and jumped as I walked up behind him.

"God, you scared me. What are you doing up so early?" he took a sip of his cup, readjusting the buttons on his blouse.

"Couldn't fall back asleep," I poured some of the coffee he had made in my purple cup and sat at the table. I picked a clementine from the basket and began peeling it.

"Something on your mind?" Full of things were on my mind, more than he could handle. But I only gave him an empty smile and shook my head no.

"School stress I guess. I have a lot of exams coming up."

"You're going to have to start checking out some Colleges soon," he said and I felt my heart sink a little bit. It hadn't crossed my mind and I was beginning to realize how close it was. "Do you have one in mind?"

"No, not really. My mind's been... elsewhere lately."

"Well, you still have time. Focus on your grades and you'll be fine," he finally said, kissing the top of my head. "Have a good day," he waved and the house was quiet again as he closed the door behind him. I looked around the house and my eyes settled on the empty Christmas tree in the corner. I looked at it with pity and stood up, grabbing the box of decorations. I took the string of lights and began wrapping it around the tree. I plugged the cord into the wall and full of little white lights lit up the tree and I smiled. You couldn't be unhappy when you looked at a Christmas tree.

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