Chapter III

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I slept. For the first time in a while, I had slept without any disturbance. I covered my mirror with a white sheet before going to bed; a useless gesture maybe, but I am certain it helped me sleep more soundly. I didn't have any dreams; I just closed my eyes and opened them again when morning came, not remembering a thing. I knew it wouldn't last, though.

My Dad had offered to stay home with me for the day, but I declined. I couldn't spend another minute in that God forsaken house, so I packed my stuff up and headed for school. The weather had cleared up overnight; there wasn't a cloud in the sky today.

I straightened my skirt and stepped out of the vehicle. There were more people outside this time and it seemed as though they were all staring at me. They had a right to whisper I suppose; I would've done the same. It was a small town and gossip was the only thing that kept it interesting. I headed for the door, keeping my head down to avoid attracting attention to myself.

"Hey sweetheart, you're a new face," I heard someone shout. He approached me, flashing me a grin. He had dark brown eyes and short hair of the same shade, with a silver ring through his lip. He had a provocative smile; one you knew had surely caused a lot of trouble.

"Not interested," I muttered and began walking away, but he grabbed my arm.

"Oh, come on," he pouted. "I don't bite. Unless you want me too," he smirked and I felt my insides twist. I raised my fist and my knuckles collided with his cheek, leaving a big red mark along his skin. Everyone around us stopped talking and stared at the scene unfolding before them. I didn't understand what had come over me.

"You little bitch," he groaned and began advancing towards me.

"Piss off Jonathan, that's enough," another boy stepped in between us. I recognized Sarah's blond locks walk up next to me.

"She hit me," he gestured towards me and I looked away. He was furious, and I held back my laugh to not make matters worse for myself.

"I'm sure you deserved it," he said, pushing him away. "Now, leave before I have to take a swing at you too." The boy laughed at his threat and walked off, shaking his head. Even after getting his ass kicked my a minuscule person like myself, he kept his confident stride as the rest of his friends followed behind him.

"Are you alright?" I finally caught a glimpse of his face as he turned around. His blue eyes searched for mine.

"Yeah," I finally muttered. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you."

"Good job, babe," Sarah stepped in, wrapping her hands around his arm and kissing his cheek. "Are you sure you're okay?" she sent me a worried look. I nodded. "Jonathan's an ass. He's always been," she added.

"Where did you learn how to do a right hook like that? That was impressive," he turned to me and I blushed.

"My Dad taught me," I looked down, moving my foot around distractedly.

"Well, if he ever bothers you again, just come tell me," he smiled. He had a kind eyes; at first glance, he looked like someone you could trust.

"Nathan, would you be a doll and show her around? I have to go meet the principle for a class change," Sarah pouted at him and he smiled.

"Sure. I'll see you later," he leaned down and kissed her. She smiled at me and walked away, saying hi to people as she passed by. He gestured me to follow him inside the school as I shrugged off people's stares.

"How are you enjoying the town so far?" We walked side by side, our arms brushing against each other once and a while. He was quite a large guy: he had wide-set shoulders and muscular arms that made the sleeves of the t-shirt tighten around the skin. 

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