Chapter XV

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I stirred awake, feeling completely content. I hadn't felt that way in what seemed like years. I turned over, expecting to land on a hard chest but I was left with an empty bed, the sheets still warm from where he was laying. I looked around but my room was empty and my bedroom door was open.

I made my way downstairs. The house was peaceful and quiet. And empty. I felt betrayed in a way; I didn't know why. I shrugged off the feeling and opened my fridge. I had an appetite for the first time in a while and it made me feel normal again. It made me feel alive. It felt as though these last few months had only been a nightmare and that I was finally waking up after a long, restless night.

I began frying some eggs, humming to a song I didn't recognize. It was sunny outside, not a cloud in the sky. Today was going to be a good day.


I began putting my things away in my locker. I had taken my time getting to school, passing by a back road and admiring the scenery, always humming the same incessant song.

"Olivia!" I heard behind me and I turned around. My eyes travelled from the huge blond bun on the top of her hair to her glowing eyes. "I texted you ten times last night but you never answered."

"Sorry. I was swamped with homework," I lied. My mind wandered back to Lucifer.

"Doesn't matter. I rather tell you in person," she bit her lip, not able to contain her excitement.

"What is it?" I mirrored her enthusiasm.

"We did it," she said and I eyed her questioningly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nathan and me. We finally did it." My eyes widened and I saw her happy expression begin to fade.

"That's amazing," I took her hands, faking my excitement. "How did it happen?" I stuttered.

"He came to my house last night and said he needed a distraction from something. He started kissing me and I guess it just happened. It wasn't under the best circumstances, but first times are never like the movies, right?"

"No, of course not."

"God, he was amazing," she pressed her back to the lockers, hugging her book to her chest and gazing at the ceiling, reminiscing about the night before.

"That good, huh?" I laughed at her. Normally she was strong and walked the hall like she owned the place, but he had turned her into a big ball of soppiness. But I felt something when I said it. It couldn't be jealousy.

"You have no idea. He just has this way," she said and shut her eyes closed, biting her lip again. "Anyways," she shook her head, coming back down to earth. "I have to get to class but I'll see you later," she winked and walked past me. I dropped my shoulders as soon as she left and grabbed my things, heading off to find Nathan.

He was standing by the classroom door, talking to a few of his friends. He didn't notice me at first, not until I wedged myself in the circle. I grabbed his arm and dragged him away from the group. The hallways were emptying and a few seconds later, the bell rang above my head.

"What's your problem?" he laughed it off.

"How could you do that to her?" I shook my head.

"She's been begging me for months. I just gave her what she wanted," he brushed me off and without realizing what I am doing, I raise my hand and slap him straight across the cheek. He holds his face, more in shock than in pain.

"She thinks you love her," I shouted. The hallways were deserted now. "What happened to you Nathan?"

"Maybe I stopped caring so much when you chose him," he said in disgust.

"I didn't choose anyone."

"Yes, you did Olivia. You may not have said it aloud, but I can see it in how you act," he approached me, our faces a few inches away now. "I didn't stand a chance," he whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered. He looked down at my mouth and raised his hand so that it would cup my cheek. He passed his thumb over my bottom lip and leaned in slowly, pressing his lips to mine. He was delicate and hesitant, just like how I imagined him to be. But I didn't pull away. It became a little more heated, my hands tangling themselves in his hair and his grabbing my hips. He pressed me against the wall and when I hit the cold stone, I cried out in pain and he pulled away.

"What did I do?" he panicked. I shook my head, raising my hand up, the skin on my back growing tender again. It just started to heal and I almost forgot it was there. Almost.

"It's not you." And then hit me. What we had just done. I raised my head frantically, afraid Sarah would have seen what I did.

"What's wrong?" Nathan asked, shaking me from my thoughts. I forgot he was standing there.

"Nothing. It's nothing," I brushed it off and began walking away. He grabbed my hand and spun me around.

"Tell me," his eyes were a little darker now, demanding.

"It isn't important."

"I saw your face Olivia. What has happened to you?" I knew he wouldn't give up so I looked around and turned my back to him. He raised my shirt, his movement much less delicate than Lucifer's.

"My God," he whispered. "Did he do this to you?" his voice was angry. "I'll kill him, I'll burn him alive," he was going on a rant and I turned around, grabbing a hold of his hands.

"He didn't do this," I said loudly. "He never touched me."

"Then who did?" his eyes were filled with rage, one that I had never seen before, one that I didn't know he had.

"I don't know," I gulped. "I woke up and it was there."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You weren't there for me to tell you."

"Of course I was. I always am," he defended himself.

"No, you're not. You're out inventing scenarios in your head and imagining things that aren't true. But he was there," when I mentioned his name, his jaw clenched. "Lucifer was there and he is the one I should be running from. He helped me, he made me feel safe. And I believe that is your job," I finally said and started walking away. It was strange saying it out into the open. Nathan didn't follow me this time. 

The Fallen AngelOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara