"Aww shorty. I'm going to miss you," Keith's lips pulled tightly into a frown.

The smallest archaeologist embraced Keith, "I'm going to miss you too. Rest and get well faster! Then you can come and see us!" Keith nodded, laying back in the hospital bed and taking his friend's advice for once. He allowed sleep to dominate him and drag him away.

"Take care of yourself, Kieth," Yugi whispered, taking his leave of Kieth's room and closing the door silently behind him. 


Atem's stared at the four guards kneeling before him; his crimson gaze alight with fury. The four guards were those that worked the transmission control room during the time Yugi's transmission was ignored. Each of them visibly shaken at their inevitable upcoming punishment.

Two high priests approached Atem; one carrying a large dark purple pillow with a golden item upon it. Atem stood when they reached him. The two priests bowed to the pharaoh. Upon rising to their full height, High Priest Seth picked up the chain laying on the pillow the second priest carried. He lifted a heavy golden upside-down pyramid attached to a chain and held it into the air, showing it to the court in before them. The bright Egyptian sun reflected off of the golden surface of the pyramid, sending prismatic reflections throughout the throne room. He turned to face the pharaoh and lowered the chain, placing it around Atem's neck. The heavy object rested against Atem's muscular chest.

"Do you want help with this my Pharaoh?" Seth asked, meeting the piercing intense crimson gaze.

"No. I need to do this on my own," Atem responded softly.

"You haven't used this much magic and energy in a very long time. It may drain you to the point of unconsciousness," Seth commented, reminding the pharaoh of a consequence of using the Millennium Puzzle.

"I know. I don't care. I need to do this for Yugi. Their incompetence almost killed my husband and that is unforgivable. It is a crime to put the life of a royal family member in danger," Atem remarked, struggling to keep his anger under control.

Seth nodded and backed away, watching the pharaoh. Atem closed his eyes taking several deep breaths, feeling his connection to the Millennium Puzzle grow. The item's once warm temperature turned hot against his flesh and glowed brightly. When Atem opened his eyes, they too glowed with the power of the puzzle. He locked his gaze on the four men. Each of them cowering while they looking away from their livid pharaoh.

Atem raised his hand to his chest, "MIND..." he thrust his hand outward towards the four guards, "CRUSH!" his baritone voice reverberated in the throne room sending chills down the spines of all within earshot. The men's terror-filled faces changed to blank expressions. Void of all emotion. No traces of life's sparkle could be seen behind their eyes. Their minds had been sent to the shadow realm. Atem closed his eyes, the puzzle draining his energy in a matter of seconds. His eyes along with the Millennium Puzzle's ceased to glow. Atem fell to his knees. It was one thing to send one man to the shadow realm such as the Bandit Lord, but four at one time took a lot of energy. Almost more than he had. 

"My Pharaoh!" The two high priests ran forward to him. Seth helped him back to his feet. Atem clutched at Seth's arm,  unable to remain standing.

"Take their empty vessels away. Lock them up," Atem ordered. Several guards ran forward to lead the bodies previously occupied by the four guards away.

"Do you need help getting back to the royal bedchamber?" Seth whispered to Atem, knowing how much the pharaoh hated to appear weak. The tri-colored head nodded slowly. "Okay, let's go." Seth whispered so only Atem could hear before he raised his voice to make an announcement, "The pharaoh is not feeling well and will be taking the rest of the afternoon to rest." Seth removed the Millennium Puzzle from the pharaoh's neck and placed it back on the pillow. The High Priest wrapped a strong arm around Atem's waist, supporting the pharaoh on the trip to his room.


Yugi placed his gear bag down in the throne room and approached the tan figure of his beloved. The crimson eyes moved from the villager in front of him to Yugi. Atem leaped to his feet and ran to Yugi, wrapping his husband in a strong protective embrace.

"Oh Ra, Yugi!" Atem whispered against Yugi's neck; tears dripped down his cheeks and moistened Yugi's shirt. "I'm so sorry, Yugi! I'm so very sorry! The guards weren't paying attention to the transmission like they should have or I would have sent a rescue crew much sooner! The guards working the shifts during those days have been sent to the shadow realm!."

Yugi pulled away from Atem's embrace, watching the pharaoh pour his heart out in an apology for something that wasn't his fault. Yugi watched a glistening droplet of salt run down the beautiful bronze cheek of his lover. Amethyst slid closed and Yugi leaned closer to Atem, licking the tear and the wet trail it left behind off of his cheek.

"No need to apologize. It's not your fault," the petite archaeologist soothed, "I am home now safe and sound."

"I love you so much, Yugi, I can't imagine life without you," the elegant baritone voice cracked.

"You don't have to. I'm here," Yugi tightened his hug on Atem, deeply breathing in the natural scent of his pharaoh, sandalwood and spice.

"Dad!" Layla ran over to Yugi and Atem, hugging them both.

"What do we have here? Did Aunt Mana braid your hair, Little One?" Yugi asked, examining Layla's tri-colored hair. The braid was a loose French braid that made her crimson highlights stand out. A few strands of black and red framed her face in ringlets.

Layla nodded, "She's going to teach me how to braid it on my own sometime this week. How come you are home so early? I thought you were going to be gone for two months," she asked confused her crimson tinted amethyst searching his amethyst.

"There were...." Yugi glanced at Atem, attempting to figure a way to word the situation delicately. He didn't want to upset Layla, "There were complications. I was not able to make it to the dig this time so I came home."

"What complications?" She asked curiously.

Yugi shrugged, "Nothing major. It just prevented Keith and I from getting to the dig."

"Oh well! I'm glad your home!" She hugged him again. Yugi breathed a quiet sigh of relief that she didn't ask additional questions.

"So...." Yugi's captured Atem in a pleading glance, "What was that surprise you were talking about before I left?"

Atem was taken off guard. He hadn't expected Yugi to ask about that so early after what had just happened. A smirk spread across his lips, "Very well. I suppose I shouldn't keep you waiting after your...." He cleared his throat eyeing Layla, "adventure." Atem took a deep breath before revealing the secret. He paused reveling in the last few seconds of Yugi's anticipation. "You and I are taking a tour around Iceland for a few weeks before joining Layla to visit your grandfather."

Yugi blinked at Atem, "You are going to vacate the throne for a few weeks and take me somewhere?"

A smirk appeared on the pharaohs tan lips, "Yes. Egypt in a very good position where I can take some time off to be with you. Layla is going to spend some time with your grandfather while we are in Iceland. You and I will then visit your grandfather and other friends for a week before I have to return here."

Layla jumped up and down excitedly, "I get to see Great Grandpa Muto?" Atem nodded at her, "Oh my gosh! I'm so excited! I haven't seen Great Grandpa Muto in years! Wait..if you are going to Iceland, how am I going to get there?"

"Ishizu and Akefia will be traveling to Domino. Ishizu has some business to take care of there in addition to visiting her brother. You will be flying out with them," Atem responded.

"Akefia is going too?" The little Egyptian princess squeaked excitedly, "this trip just keeps getting better and better! And it hasn't started yet!" Yugi and Atem chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"When do we leave?" Yugi asked.

"The flights are scheduled for next month; however, since you are home early, I can change them to next week. I will need to speak with Ishizu, but I think she would be okay with flying out to Domino early," Atem gasped when he found himself sandwiched between Yugi and Layla. A warm smile crossed his face and he wrapped them both in a loving embrace.

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