Chapter Eleven - Love is a mysterious thing.

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A/N: since lately the chapters have been slow, I decided to write a long chapter this time, to thank all those who voted and commented. alse because most chapters had around 9 and higher votes, and it made my day XD. 9 vote's might not be much to other authors, but to me, it was one of the happiest moments XD

Chapter 11 - Love is a mysterious thing.

~~~Dace's P.O.V~~~

"So, at the game right?" Loki commented as we we're at the cross roads where we slipt path's.

"Yep, we can sit by eachother." I smiled up at him as he waved before heading the other way. I glanced at him one more time before turing around myself. Heading to the place i call home.

I closed my eyes as the cool night breeze whispered in my face, chilling me to the bone, prickling my skin. Goose bumps rose up my arm's and back .

Rubbing my hand's against my skin I opened my eye's to look at the night sky.

I reached a hand up, reaching for the star's that brightened up the dark abyss.

When i was young, i asked my parent's why i didint look like them...I remember the convisation we had because i could never forget it...

"Mommy, Kid's at da school yell at me for not looking like Erin...They yell at me for not looking like mommy and daddy either..." I had cried to my mother as she held me.

"Honey, You dont have to look like us to be our son" My mother whisperd out. Her soothing voice lulling my tears to cease.

"L...Lila said i was a..a..adouted" I sounded out the word as i tried to say it the same way i had heard it.

My mother suddenly held me up as she placed me on her lap. Her green eye's we're looking at me as she stared at my eyes.

"You are adopted. Im telling you this because You are a big boy. You deserve to know the truth."

"W...What does adopeeted mean" I had asked.

"You see when a mommy and daddy love eachother, A baby is formed, but sometimes something happens to the mommy and the daddy. If something does happen, the child is given to adoption" My mother explained.

"So...Did something happen to mommy and daddy" I asked confused.

"Your mommy and daddy loved you so much. So they wanted what was best for you. And thanks to them, we got to have you" My mother concluded.

"So your not my mommy?" I asked horrified.

"No. I am you mommy, I am your mommy, and daddy is you daddy."

"So...mommy one and daddy one gave me to adoption, who gave me to you"


"Then, where is mommy one and daddy one." I asked

My mother hugged me against her chest as she soothed out my clumped up brown hair.

"Somtimes, people leave and never come back." My mother whispered.

"Leave? Where do they go?"

My mother picked me up as she walked me outside to the night sky. She pointed to one of the brightest stars as i stared up at it.

"Pweety" I whisperd.

"When someone leave's they become stars"

"Mommy and Daddy are star's"

My mother nodded when i looked at her and i smiled.

"Hai Mommy! Hai Daddy!" I yelled to the sky waving at the bright stars.

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