Chapter One - The Mysterious Man

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A/N: Hello everyone, This is chapter one of Fang. This is a BL, (Boy x Boy) If you do not like then do not read, if you do like then please enjoy ^^

On the Right is a picture of the mysterious man, Rath.

~~~~~~~~~Chapter 1 - The Mysterious Man~~~~~~~~~~

I looked over the fence as i peeked at my next door neighbor. No i wasnt stalking, i was just intently watching her. Not because i had a crush on her, but because i had to make sure she wasnt home and already left for school with her boyfriend. I peeked one last time making sure there was no movement. I sorta made this girl mad by-

"What'cha doing" A voice said interrupting my thoughts.

I jumped back as I feel back into the arms of my best friend, Kaine. His Dark brown hair was covering his forehead as it shined against his tanned, toned skin.

"Gosh, You scared the shit out of me" I grumbled out as i jumped back onto my feet.

"Sorry, so are they still after you" kaine called as he grabbed my backpack from the door step and walked over to his dark blue blue truck.

"Yes, i cant believe there holding such a grudge, all i did was accidentally see the girl cheating on her boyfriend. Its not like i was gonna tell, i dont even know who her boyfriend is" I exclaimed motioning annoyness with my hands.

I opened the car door as Kaine reached and set that backpack on the floor. I lifted myself up on the seat. Kaine walked around as he got in the drivers seat next to me.

"Perhaps she complained to her boyfriend and came up with a lie" Kaine suggested as he started the truck.

I leaned back into the seat and took a deep breath.

"Yeah...girls suck" i complained

"Awwww is my lil dacey poo joining the homo society" Kaine joked in a baby voice puckering his lips.

I slapped him on the shoulder as i looked out the window.

Kaine was chuckling as he focused back on the road. I looked into the distence as I grabbed my backpack off the floor. The second he stopped the car i jumped out and waved.

"See ya at lunch" I called

"Good luck on your advoiding game" He called after me as he took out the key and his bag.

I ran down the parking lot making sure that the girl was no where in sight. i ran into the building making sure to watch everyone that passed

I was waiting for kaine after school when i heard a buzz in my pocket. I took out my phone.

Emergency practice, sry i cnt take u home. Ill make it up 2 u -kaine

I closed the phone and tucked it back into my back pocket. I picked up my backpack off the concrete ground as i started home. I stopped at the library as i grabbed a book from the "New Book" section. I sat down at the closet table and opened the book. Starting on the first sentence i got lost in the book letting my mind become one with the book and my imagination running. Ignoring everything else that went on around me.

"Escuse me sir the library i closing" a women in a tight blue dress told me as she walked on towards the staff lounge.

I finished the last page as i rubbed my tired eyes and closed the book. I set the book back on the shelf as i grabbed my backpack that was hanging on the seat and walked out.

The street lights were on while the night sky got brightened by the moon.

I jumped over the fence that went around the park since it was a short cut to my house. I walked through the trees and started down the stone path. I stuck my hands in my pocket as i looked up into the night sky.

Fang (Boy x Boy) (Currently Being EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now