Chapter Four - The Hunter

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A/N: Im finally back from my cologuard camp so im here to update the story, some questions shall be anwserd. But not all of them XD A New Charecter will be introduced in this chapter.

A picture of Loki on the right

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 4 - The Hunter~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"So warm" I mumbled as I snuggled close to the heat source and rubbed my face in.

I yawned when my pillow started rubbling. I looked up and was face to face with kaine.

"Getting Comfy" Kaine whisperd in my ear.

I just stared at first... I didn't know why he was in my bed in the first place. It took a couple of seconds will last night memories came rushing back and jumped out of the bed falling on my back.

Somthing in me started growing again as a dull pain started appearing in my temple.

"Jumpy as always huh" Kaine laughed out.

I shook my head trying to make the pain go away. I glared up at kaine when suddenly i heard my stomach growl. This caused kaine to laugh even harder and he fell out of the bed landing on his head, but that didn't stop him from laughing. I stared at his figure laying on the ground when i started cracking up.

"Stop making me laugh" I laughed out as i grabbed my stomach trying to stop myself from laughing.

I stood up as I bushed myself off. I looked over at Kaine's fallen figure as he smiled up at me.

"Thanks" I whispered quickly as I walked out of the room.

I headed towards the kitchen as I popped in two toasts in the toaster and went over to the frying pan.

My family was still out on a trip for my lil sister so i had to cook for myself this week.

I cracked in 5 eggs as i flipped them over. I never ate much even when i was hungry, But i knew that kaine liked to eat alot, so i had to make enough for both of us.

"Hey, Whats cookin" Kaine asked as he joined me fully dressed.

"You know me, I can cook a mean scrambled eggs" I joked as i flipped some on a plate.

I gave most of the eggs and a toast as i grabbed myself a plate and joined him. I ate slowly as i heard kaine chomping next to me. By the time i finished, kaine was already washing his dish. I walked over and handed him mine as i walked over to my room to put on some new clothes.

Kaine had my backpack in his hand as I skipped down the stairs. He opened the door as he motioned with his hands.

"Shall we go my little Dace" Kaine whispered in my ear as i passed with his seductive voice.

A shiver ran up my spine as i struck my hand on his face covering his eyes, mouth and nose. Then i walked away  covering my already red face as i heard his laugh's behind me.

I turned the corner of the hallway as I quick walked to my classroom. We were late to school because kaine took a detour to school, saying we had alot of time....bull.

"Watch out!" A boy yelled.

I looked behind me as i heard the yell, when I bumped head first into a girl...a crying girl. I leaned down to comfort her when i finally got a good look at the girl. It was my enemy.

I jerked away, turning around to leave before i could get caught in her clutched whe she grabbed the back for my shirt and started crying even harder. I felt the tears and the thin trails of mascara staining my shirt.

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