Chapter Five - Worries

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A/N: Hello, sorry for the really slow update, School started again and i joined Colorguard so all the marching band classes are before school, then after school and when i get home im always pooped and sleep after i eat and shower. So i shall update every weekend from now on. ^.^

Dedicated to mangafan001 for being one of my first readers and her amazing comments :D

Picture of the stream

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 5 - Worries~~~~~~~~~~~

As Loki dropped me off by the school, we were both laughing our butts off. Dur ring the lunch i learned alot about Loki, and he learned alot about me. He gave off this aura that made everyone want to be friends with him. No wonder he was popular.

I took off my helmet shaking my hair as it shimmed back into place. I handed the helemt to him as he hung it on the back of his bike.

"Whenever you feel sad, just remember that somewhere in this world there's an idiot pulling a door that says "PUSH". Loki stated from a website he read. I burst out laughing as we entered the school. He left me by my locker as he patted my head.

"See ya dace" He called patting my head. walking over to his locker on the otherside oft he hallway. I waved back as i faced my locker

I entered in my locker combination as it clicked open. I grabbed my 2 textbooks as i locked it. I slung my backpack over my right shoulder as i got read to head to class, But the second i turned around 3 girls ran up to me.

'Whatd you do" Girl 1 asked

"Whered you go" Girl 2 asked

"Are you guys a thing" Girl 3 squealed

"No! Loki cant be gay"

"Is he Single now?"

"Was the fight true?"


"But what if he IS gay"

I shook my head as i tried to look for a way out. I tried to shimmy my way out but they clocked my exit and started to bombard me with questions again. I saw Loki in the distance as he walked towards me. I signed in relief for my savior as i took a step back and bumped into a chest. I looked up and saw Kaine.

"Your knight is here to protect you from the evil witches" Kaine laughed as he patted my head.

Girl one glared at him as if she wanted to burn holes into his face. The other two giggled and started to get ready to flirt when i remembered Loki was coming over. I thought i was him glaring at Kaine but it was instantly replaced with a smile as he waved me over.

I smiled as i took a step forward when kaine grabbed me from behind. He was staring hard at Loki.

"Were gonna be late" He told me.

I thought for a moment then nodded. I turned back towards Loki as he was now by us. I looked up at the two were starring at each other. I looked at both of them confused. Did they know each-other? I have to remember to ask Kaine later

"Bye Loki, Thanks again" I smiled at him as i started walking with Kaine to class.

I felt like someone was starring at me as i peeked behind me. Loki was walking down the hallway as he glanced back at me as well. He saw me peeking and winked. I blushed as i put my head down and walked on.

I knew Kaine had practice today as i left him in the classroom. I was almost out of the hallway when someone grabbed me by the shoulder to stop me.

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