Jimin's face blushed slightly and he just shrugged and turned away to go back to the waiting room. 

Jungkook laughed and sauntered off after his friend.

* * *

Nari sat in the back of the group of fans all snapping photos and trying to calm their nerves.  Even seasoned fansign attendees were wiping their clammy hands on their skirts and pants.  The music from the current album played in the background and the members seemed to be having a good time with their fans as they filed past.

Nari was near the end of the line today so she had the whole time to sit and stew about how she could prevent herself from looking sad or like she was mourning the death of her sister.  She practiced smiling into her camera on her phone and then a peaceful face.  She didn't noticed the odd looks she was getting from nearby fans and kept practicing.  She was in no mood to answer questions from Jimin tonight about her emotional well-being. 

Taehyung grinned up into the crowd.  He saw her and had been watching her making faces.  He pulled his eyes away for a few seconds so as not to draw attention but it was clear that he had seen something funny. 

"Taehyung-ah!" a fan yelled from the audience.

"Y-yes?" he said, trying to control his giggles.  Nari was still making faces, ignoring everything else that was going on in the room.  It was almost too much for him to handle.

"What's so funny?"

"F-funny? Oh! Ah...well, someone is making funny faces!  I can't help but laugh!"  He broke down in giggles as his eyes fell on Nari once again and this time she was holding her eyes wide open with a huge, fake smile plastered across her face.  It was ridiculous.  He was beyond control at this point. 

The crowd giggled along, more at the fact Taehyung was laughing than really caring what or who he was laughing at. 

Nari heard him say something about making faces and she slowly slid her phone down to her lap and cleared her throat, laughing along with everyone else that had no idea they were all laughing at her.  She felt her face heat up and then, as if on cue, it was her turn to move up front. 

She made her way through the members, finally arriving at Taehyung who was just before Jimin this time.  He began giggling again the moment he saw her.  She tried not to blush but her face felt hot again anyway.

"I'm sorry," laughed Taehyung.  He was trying hard to regain his composure.  Jimin was next to him and eyed him from the side, feeling a giggle bubble up in his chest as well just because his friend was laughing.  Taehyung cast him a quick glance and then completely lost it, as did Jimin.  The two ended up leaned over on each other's shoulders, laughing and wheezing. 

"What are we laughing at?" wheezed Jimin into Taehyung's ear.

"I'll tell you later," gasped Taehyung.  He looked back at Nari and wiped the tears from his eyes,  smiling widely for her.  "You are a funny girl," he said softly, signing her book and sliding it to Jimin. 

Nari felt like she was the butt of some private joke but just let it go.  If this was about her making faces, she earned it.  "Nice to see you too, Taehyung-ssi," she mumbled, beginning to scoot over to Jimin. 

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