(Tiana's PoV)

Halfway through my sleep I was able to tell Diana was asleep. I entered her dreams and I had to talk to her. I looked around as I stood in a large, dark area. I looked straight ahead and saw Diana standing there with her back to me.

"Diana?" I called out. She turned her head quickly, obviously not expecting anyone to be here. I walked over to her but before I got to close she called back to me.

"Are you Tiana?" she asked me. Only then did I remember she had never really seen me before, she had only heard my voice.

"Yes, I am," I said to her as I walked over and I was now in arms length of her. I feel so close, but I've never been so far. I felt like I would cry from getting to see her again. It had been more than a year sense I had last seen her. "Are you ok? I felt the darkness come back, did you control it?" I asked her.

(Diana's PoV)

My heart sank from what my sister just asked. It had just been racing with excitement from actually getting to meet my sister, but now it just stopped. I wanted to say what happened. I wanted to say 'No I didn't someone else did and now he's upset because he knows I can't control it'. The other part of me just wanted to say 'No' and hope that she would accept that answer.

"No, I didn't do it on my own," I said as my voice cracked. I just wanted to cry at what I had just said. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Diana, it's ok. It's not something that's easy to control. But you need to try and remain calm if it happens again," Tiana told me in a gentle tone. I looked down at my hand and there was nothing there. It was strange to be this upset about something and not have it show. I wasn't sure if it wasn't there because I was starting to gain a little bit of control, or because it was just a dream. I wanted it to be the first reason but I wasn't sure if it was.

"I know but I don't know if I can," I began. Tiana stared at me with a look of sympathy before I continued talking. "And I hate to admit it, but everyday a tiny thought constantly runs through my mind. The thought of waking up one day all alone because I killed everyone who actually cared.  All because I can't control this!" I said as I stared at the ground. I felt the tears build up but I held them back.

"Diana you can't let thoughts like that take control. That will only happen if you let your fear control you, but you need to learn more about your past to have a better time controlling it. The past you learn about is painful and you did do some bad things, but so did I . Everyone makes mistakes, and when you learn about what happened to me you can't let the guilt control you. Do you promise?" she asked.

"I...I.," I began.

"Diana, come on," Tiana said.

"Promise," I said. "So, what did I do?" I asked and I instantly regretted it.

"You'll find out when you read the book. But did you read anything else besides that book when you were back at the palace?" she asked.

"Yes, it was a like a scrapbook. It had pictures of our whole family. You, mom....dad," I told her.

"You know, you made that," Tiana said.

"I did?" I asked.

"Yes, you had made it for everyone in our family but after what happened to father, you stopped. After you ran off you took it with you. Sense you found it in the archives I guess it means Odin had found it and put it there. I don't know how he found it though. Speaking of that, do you remember where you went when you ran off?" she asked me in return.

"Yes I do," I said as I began explaining everything. The explaining took a while and I also explained the events on Midgard. As I retold everything that had happened I got upset about what I had done. But I tried to calm myself without Tiana noticing and I didn't feel upset. When I actually tried it felt like the darkness just drifted away. I had only felt this way once before. It was that time when I woke up after the darkness took control, and when I saw how relieved Loki was one he saw that I was ok. It had felt good to see how relieved Loki was when I lost control in that field, but I was to worried about the fact I could've killed him to really realize how happy he was to see me alright. I would've thought more about it but I there was a strange shaking that started to happen in the dream. "Wait what's going on?" I asked.

"You're waking up. I'll try to talk to you the next time you go to sleep," Tiana said as she vanished from my sight.


Author's Note: Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I'll try to update more frequently. Also there are some song references in there so enjoy those to (if you find them).

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