Chapter 1

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(Takes place after Avengers, but before Thor 2!)

(Diana's PoV)

I woke up around 6:00 a.m. I leaned up out of bed, and yawned. I walked over to the bathroom and brushed my hair, and teeth. I was at a shield base close to Stark Tower in New York, and when I was done I walked over to the window and looked at the rubble of a city.

"I hope I don't have to help clean that," I said to myself as I got dressed. I had a two piece SHIELD uniform. It was pitch black, the way I liked it. My powers where somehow associated to the night. Well some of them. I didn't know where I came from, but depending on what powers I had gave the rest of the Avengers an idea about where I came from. I had the power of magic, almost anything that's impossible, I could do. I also had some dark magic that I never used because I had trouble controlling it. Most of them thought I was from Asgard because of the powers I had over the moon, but none where sure. I had only ever met one Asgardian, technically I've met two but I didn't actually talk to one of them. I had met Thor during the battle of New York about two weeks ago. I had seen Loki and I had talked to him but that was only when he was trying to manipulate me. I finished changing clothes, and ate two pancakes that I had made. I used my magic to do it sense I was lazy. After I finished eating I heard a knock at the door.

"Just a minute!" I yelled. I levitated my plate over to the sink, and I decided I'd just wash it later. I walked over to the door and opened it. Tony was standing there.

"Furry needs us back at Stark Tower," Tony said.

"Of course he does," I sighed, and rolled my eyes. Tony laughed and headed toward the elevator with me close behind.

"So what do you think Furry is dragging us in for?" Tony asked.

"Who knows, who cares? As long I don't have to clean anything up I don't mind," I said with a slight smile.

"Well at least you can use magic to clean, Miss Lazy," Tony laughed.

"Just shut up," I laughed back, although I tried not to. We had a random conversation for about a minute until we got to the bottom floor. We walked out of the building and got in a SHIELD car. The drive was mostly silent but I was ok with that. I actually liked Tony's smart ass comments, except when they were about me, then they were terrible and not funny at all. It took longer to get to Stark Tower than usual sense there was rubble everywhere. It took about twenty minutes but we finally got there.

"Took you long enough," I laughed. Tony just rolled his eyes. When we walked in the lobby it didn't even look like anything had happened to it. Walking in to it from the broken city outside almost felt like traveling to a different world. When we got to the elevator Tony was about to press the button when we heard someone enter the lobby. I turned around and saw Steve walking toward us.

"Hey Steve," I said with a smile.

"Hi Diana, Tony," Steve replied with a smile.

"Hello, Capsicle," Tony said as I did my best to hold back laughter. I was the kind of person who thought comments like that where pretty funny. Steve gave Tony a glare as we walked into the elevator. The elevator ride to the 51st floor was short, but it was really awkward. Being in a small area with Steve and Tony was never fun. Well it was for the first few seconds but it grew bad very quickly. When the elevator doors opened I felt the need to take a deep sigh of relief but I didn't sense I know what that would lead to. I walked to the center of the room with Steve, and Tony right behind me. All the Avengers where there. I walked over to the couch that Bruce was sitting on and I sat next to him, and Tony sat on the other side of him. Steve sat next to Clint and Natasha, and Thor just kind of stood there next to Furry. I knew that the reason we where all called here had to do with Thor in someway or the other.

"Well now that we're all here I think its time I told you why I called you all here," Fury said. I could tell by how long that little intro was, I probably wasn't going to enjoy what he said next. Fury shot me a quick look and then looked away again. It was almost impossible to notice him do that.

'Well that's not a good sign.' I though to myself. I was trying to mentally prepare myself for anything that was about to be said. It was silent for about 2 minutes until Tony finally said something.

"Well are you going to tell us or not?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

"We came her today to talk about Lady Diana," Thor said cutting Fury off. My heart sank as I felt all eyes in the room fall upon me.

'Why did it have to be me?' I thought to myself. We went silent until Bruce spoke up.

"What about Diana?" he asked. I held my breath while I waited for a response. I noticed how Steve would look at Fury, then at me, and back to Furry.

"We need to talk about her past," Furry said. Then it hit me, it hit me hard. I did not want to hear about my past. I was done with trying to figure out all this crap about me that I realized I didn't even care about. Clint and Natasha gave me a look, they could tell I was not happy about this. Actually I'm pretty sure everyone in the room noticed.

"Look thanks for the offer, but no," I said trying not to get mad.

"No? You can't just say no. Diana we need to do this, it will help us better understand your powers," Furry said.

"Don't you get it? I don't want to understand!" I yelled.

"What do you mean you don't want to?" Thor asked. I hesitated but then answered.

"I mean I'm tired of trying to figure out something I don't even care about. I'm never going to be able to go to my real home, and even if I do I'm not going to get to see my family. SO WHAT'S THE POINT OF EVEN TRYING?!" I yelled louder than before. I walked over to the elevator and I used my powers to make it open, and as soon as I stepped in the doors slammed shut as I was quickly lowered to the first floor.

"JARVIS can you bring her back up in the elevator?" Tony asked.

"Sorry sir, but she's using her powers to block off my connection with the elevator," JARVIS said. The Avengers just starred at Thor and Furry. Then they just went silent.

Diana stormed into her room, slammed the door shut, and locked it.

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