Chapter 17

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(Tony's PoV)

I almost completely lost it. But before I could say anything Clint yelled.

"She trusts LOKI?!? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!?" Clint yelled loudly, I understood why he was so mad. Loki did brainwash him, and I was mad for the two main reasons. First of all he nearly took over Earth, and he killed Phil. I would never forgive him for that.

"Please can everyone try to calm down?" Thor asked trying to be as calm as possible.

"HOW DO YOU EXPECT US TO CALM DOWN!?!" I yelled. Before I yelled anymore I noticed that Capsicicle....Steve had put his hand on my shoulder and gave me the signal to calm down. I sat back down on the couch without even realizing I had stood up during the yelling. I looked over and Bruce was remaining completely calm even though we all knew he was as angry as us on the inside.

"I know it is hard to believe but it is true," Thor said as he walked over to us all.

"Why would she trust him, after he nearly stole all of her power?" Natasha asked. I had almost forgotten that had happened to Diana, and knowing that she had those dark power things it made more sense about why he had wanted her power. I nearly shivered thinking about what Loki would've done with powers like that. I shook the thought out of my head as Thor began to speak.

"It turns out before Diana was banished she had disguised herself and she was actually close friends with Loki and I. But when she was cast out she had lost those memories, she recovered these memories on Asgard and I think she is trying to give him another chance," Thor said. I nearly exploded in anger. Give him another chance? Really, he almost killed her and she is willing to give LOKI, the thing that nearly destroyed Earth, another CHANCE?!? Bruce gave me a look sensing my rage, and everyone else was starring at me too. I noticed that Steve was angry as well.

"W-Why would she want to give him a second chance?" I heard Steve asked. You could hear the combination of sadness, anger, and confusion in his voice. I actually felt bad for him, only because we where upset for the same reason.

"Because now that I have thought about, they are much more alike than I ever realized," Thor said and this is what made the anger in the room leave. We didn't know if we should be mad, or sad about this. Diana wasn't like Loki, she couldn't be, she wasn't evil like him. She had helped us stop him, so how could she be like him.

"Thor do you think we could go to Asgard and help look for her?" Bruce asked. I was a little surprised that he was the first one to say anything about going to Asgard.

"I really do want you all to come help, but she doesn't trust me, and if you went she would know the only way you could have gotten there was with my help," Thor said in an upset tone that actually made me feel bad.

"Why doesn't she trust you?" Clint asked.

"Because I lied to her," Thor said, and we all starred at him waiting for an explanation. Thor explained everything and I was mad that he lied to her, but I was to worried about her to care. Natasha tried to hide it but she looked really worried about Diana as well. I could tell Bruce wished he could have helped her control her powers. That much was obvious.

"Can't we at least go to Asgard so we would be there in case anything did happen? So we would be closer, and be able to help her faster?" Steve asked. Thor thought for a moment.

"Yes we will go to Asgard. But if you see Diana you can not talk to her and if Loki is with her don't attack him," Thor paused and looked at Clint and then at me.

"No matter how bad you want to," Thor finished. Clint nodded but I didn't.

"Why should I?" I asked in an annoyed tone. Thor gave me a stern look before answering.

"Do it for Diana's sake," he said. I starred at him, as once again all eyes where on me. I nodded and then stood up.

"Let's go to Asgard," I said.

(Loki's PoV)

We had stopped traveling and set up a little camp and I could tell that something was bothering Diana.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her. She hesitated then answered me.

"I'm just worried about if Thor is close or not," she said. I could tell she was lying, and she could tell that I knew. Then I decided to ask her another question.

"Why do you trust me?" I asked her. She starred at me for a second.

"What do you mean?" she asked me.

"I said, why do you trust me? For all you know Thor could be following me," I told her, even though she was well aware of that.

"I don't know why I trust you. Maybe it's because I found out we used to be friends, or maybe it's because," she paused before answering. I stood there waiting for an answer. I was starting to get impatient.

"Because?" I asked.

"Because you aren't as bad as you may seem," She said as she sat down a few feet away from where she had been standing. She opened the book and was getting ready to read it. I stood there and stared at her for a second. She couldn't be serious.

"Really, I nearly killed you and your still willing to give me a second chance?!" I yelled, but not loudly. I didn't believe what she said but I knew she was serious.

"Do you want me to change my mind?" she asked without even looking up from that book. I walked over and sat next to her. She let me read the part I hadn't gotten the chance to last time. As soon as I was done reading she quickly turned the page.

(Diana's PoV)

As soon as I could tell Loki was done reading, I quickly flipped the page. I couldn't bare to look at it. Loki noticed this and gave me a sympathetic look. I was getting ready to start reading until, to my surprise, Loki said something.

"It's not your fault that it happened," Loki sad to me. I starred at him, and then started reading the book. He could tell that what he said had made me feel good, but only a little. I could barely see it but he smiled when he saw what he had said helped. I then lost focus on him as I began to read.

"Diana had ran to her room and locked the door. She didn't want to come out and have to face anyone else. As the next few years went by, the darkness had grown worse. With no one who would help her control it, or anyone who even cared to spend time with her, the darkness was growing stronger. She wanted to tell her sister about why her father was taken away, but she didn't have the heart to do it. But as time went on the darkness slowly made its way into Diana's heart. She tried to keep it in but she couldn't. Soon the darkness had taken control but no one could see it. Her sister was to busy with her own friends or royal duties, and all her mother's attention was on Tiana. She was alone and there was no one who could help her. Even if her father was still there, it was to late. The darkness was there and it would be hard to get rid of....," I read as I closed the book. This time Loki had the chance to finish reading before I closed it.

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