Chapter 19

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(Diana's PoV)

I looked up quickly. Someone had brought others through the Bifrost. I couldn't tell who it was but there where more than three people who had come through the portal. Loki looked up sensing it to.

"Great..," I mumbled to myself.

"Who do you think Thor decided to bring here now?" Loki asked in an annoyed tone.

"Probably someone to help find me. Is he ever going to give up?" I sighed.

"Sadly he is not going to," Loki answered.

"Ugh," I mumbled. Loki snickered a bit, but I ignored it. I guess he was happy someone else hated Thor as much as he did. Well I didn't really hate Thor, I was just mad at him beyond belief for what he did...which is basically hate. Oh well, he can't blame me for hating him, that was his fault. I just then noticed that we where coming closer to the edge of the forest. I was getting ready to say something but Loki said something first.

"Can you see who Thor brought?" Loki asked.

"Well I can but I havent actually checked," I told him.

'Maybe I should check,' I thought to myself.

"Yes, you should," Loki said. I gave him a look.

"Stop doing that," I said in an annoyed tone. Loki merely laughed as I cast the spell to see who he brought. Of course he brought them, I should have known he would.

"Damn it," I said to myself. As the spell faded Loki could tell I was mad. It was kind of obvious though.

"Well who did he bring?" Loki asked in an upset tone, knowing that he wasn't going to like the answer.

"See for yourself," I said as I cast the spell allowing him to see. I could tell he was mad that they where here.

"Thor really brought those pathetic mortals here?" Loki asked.

"Yes, he did," I moaned. We where silent for a moment before I spoke again.

"Have I mentioned how much I hate Thor?" I asked sarcastically. Loki laughed but you could hardly tell.

"You're not the only one," he responded. I laughed a little and then we continued on our journey. I wasn't even concerned about getting to that castle anymore, I was just hoping the Avengers would not find me.

(Tony's PoV)

We where in a big open room waiting for Thor. Clint was talking to Natasha, Steve was talking to Bruce, and I was just awkwardly standing there.

"Are we really just going to stand here and not look for her?" I asked. I got the whole room's attention.

"Stark look, I want to go after her too but that isn't a good idea. You know what could happen," Steve said.

"So are we supposed to just sit here and do nothing? What if she does need our help?" I yelled back.

"You do have a point, she could need our help but I don't think she'll accept our help if we even tried too," Natasha said.

"Diana is capable of taking care of herself, she has proven that," Bruce said.

"I know but what about Loki? I don't care if Thor trusts him, he is still dangerous. For all we know he could be getting ready to take her powers right now!" I said in an angry tone, but I didn't yell.

"Stark, calm down," Steve said.

"And why should I listen to you?" I snapped back at him. He didn't answer, no one did because we heard foot steps. We looked up and saw Thor come in. We could tell by his facial expression that he hadn't heard our little episode from a few seconds ago. Good thing too, we would've never heard the end of it if he had.

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