Chapter 2

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(Diana's PoV)

I laid in my bed and starred at the ceiling. I was thinking about what I just said. I know I gave up looking for my family, but did that mean i didnt care? I felt like I didn't care but i knew I did. I heard a knock on the door. I didn't answer it. I heard the knock again. Once again I didn't answer. The knock grew louder and I heard Natasha's voice.

"Diana I know you're in there!" she said. I got up, unlocked the door, and opened it.

"I'm not going back," I said before she said anything else. I noticed she was alone, which was suprising.

"I'm not here to get you to go back," she said as I let her walk in. She sat at my table and I sat across from her.

"So why did you come?" I asked her.

"I wanted to talk to you about what you said back at the tower," Natasha said with a seriousness in her voice.

"Ok, so what did you want to know about it," I said with a sigh.

"You didn't mean what you said about not caring do you?" she asked.

"Of course I meant it," I said with the hint of anger in my voice.

"You can't really mean that. It's your family their talking about! Don't you want to see them again, or at least hear about them? We can help you," she said. I nearly lost it.

"WHY WOULD I WANT TO SEE SOMEONE WHO ABANDONNED ME?! YOU CAN'T HELP ME BECAUSE WHAT I NEED IS TO HAVE A FAMILY THAT WANTS ME, NOT ONE WHO CASTS ME OUT!" I yelled. I heard the door creak, and I used my powers to open it. The rest of the Avengers nearly fell over.

"So much for you comming on your own," I said to her. The Avengers just starred at me. Thor starred at my hand, and so did the rest.

"What are you all....," I began but looked down at my hand to see a dark aura floating around it. I nearly screamed but then I realized that would only make it worse. I took a deep breath and the darkness faded.

"Ummm does that usaully happen?" Tony asked. None of the Avengers, except Thor knew about my "Dark Powers". 

"It happens sometimes....well anytime I lose control of my emotions. I was surprised when this didn't happen at the tower," I said as I starred back at my hand.

"Why didn't you tell us about this?" Steve asked.

"Well if you had a power that you couldn't control, and had the potential to hurt your friends would you tell anyone about it?" I said. They all with silent knowing I was right. Thor acted like he had just found out, even though he's known about it.

"Should we tell Fury about that?" Clint asked. I shot him a mean look and he didn't say anything else.

"Look I know all you guys want to do is help, but I don't want help," I sighed. I really wanted them all to just leave so I didn't have to hear anymore about family stuff. Natasha stood up and looked at the others as they all walked out. Except Thor. Thor gave me a look of sympathy. I know he really wanted to help, but he needed to understand I didn't care about this anymore.

"Are you sure?" Thor asked. He knew that deep down I did care about my family, and he knew I would admit it eventually.

"Look I know you mean well but I'm not ready," I said as I starred at my hand and back up at Thor. Thor just left and I felt bad. I knew he really wanted to help but I couldn't do it....could I?

(Thor's PoV)

We had arrived back at Stark Tower and we went back up to the 51st floor. Director Fury was there.

"I'm guessing it didn't go well?" he said in a very annoyed tone. A lot of them were silent, probably because they were nervous they might accidentally say something about the dark powers they saw. I was surprised Diana had hidden it this long without anyone, besides me, find out.

"No, it didn't," Steve had said. Director Fury gave us all a look, he knew that wasn't it.

"What happened?!" Director Fury yelled, his voice echoed across the room.

"Geeze calm down," Mr. Stark said. Director Furry tried his best to calm down.

"Something happened when Diana was yelling," Doctor Banner said.

"What happened? Did she try to hurt anyone?!" Director Furry boomed. We all stood in silence until I spoke up. I would be the best one to tell, sense I wasn't shocked by what I had seen.

"Dark powers, that's what happened. But I assure you no one was hurt, and she had no intention of hurting anyone," I said trying to get the Director to calm down. The Director had rage and confusion in his eyes.

"Are you positive she has no intention to harm anyone?" he asked.

"Of course we're positive. Diana would never intentionally hurt anyone," Mr. Rogers said.

"Exactly, we can trust her. You do trust her, don't you?" Mr. Stark asked. Director Fury didn't answer. I could tell everyone was a bit upset at this.

"Don't you??" Bruce asked with the hint of anger in his voice.

"Look, she is a good agent, but we no nothing about her. Not her past, not her family, not anything, and now with these "Dark Powers" she's used. Why should we trust her?," Director Fury said. The others looked at him in shock.

"So what your saying is that just because someone is a little different you can't trust them?" I asked.

"And just because the have a little trouble controlling their power means you cant trust them?" Doctor Banner added. I could tell it hurt for him to say that.

"That's not what I mean. You all know that, but until we find out more about her I'm not sure we can trust her," Director Fury said with a sigh.

"What if we could figure out who she is, and if she's not 'evil', will you trust her?" I asked. The others looked at me in surprise when I said this.

"Yes, but who is going to do that, it's obvious she doesn't want to," Director Fury said.

"I'll do it, I've been meaning to go back to Asgard for a while anyway," I said. Once again a surprised look was all over the room.

"How do you know she's from Asgard?" Director Fury asked.

"I don't but there's someone I know there who will be of much help," I said. Director Fury nodded. I left the tower and as soon I was a good distance from the city I called Heimdal.

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