Chapter 32

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(Diana's PoV)

I never truly understood why Loki tried to take over Earth, and do the things he did. But now I think I do. All this time I had just kind of assumed that he did those things because he was just evil, but I should know no one does anything without a reason. From being a lied to, and basically unwanted I can see why he did it. Sure, I was told he wanted a throne but I know that's not it. I mean that can't be it. He says he did it for a throne, but I think he wanted to prove something. Whether or not he wanted to prove he was just as good as Thor, or for something else I wasn't sure. But I didn't really care if I found out or not, because honestly I did forgive him. I don't even care what the Avengers would say anymore, I can forgive and not forgive whoever I want to. They can't decide how I feel, and they'll never get to decide again. At least not for me.

(Loki's PoV)

Did she really think that? Did everything she just thought the truth? Either way I could tell she hadn't noticed me reading her mind. We sat in silence for another moment before she talked again.

"Well I'm going to bed," she said as she walked over to one of the two tents she had conjured up. I headed the one she made to me but I couldn't sleep.

(Frigga's PoV)

"Odin, did you really want to lock her up?" I asked him. It was very late and nearly everyone else in the palace was sleeping. But I was sure Thor couldn't sleep, even though I hadn't checked.

"Yes I did, but I wanted to protect the people of this realm, and all the rest. I also wanted to protect her," Odin said to me with regret and sorrow in his voice.

"You don't need to lock her up to protect everyone, if you would just try to help her control it, and just stop trying to trick her then maybe she would trust you. Then maybe she would allow us to help her," I said as I sat next to him.

"I know that now, but I was afraid that there would be no other way," he said.

"There is always another way, a better way. But why did you take her memories? I know you where afraid she'd come back for revenge, but why did you take them? She apologized before you banished her, and it was quite clear she had regretted everything, so why did you?" I asked him. He hesitated before answering me.

"You are aware that she was friends with Thor and Loki when she pretended to be Scarlett, those few years ago?" he asked me. I nodded waiting for him to go on.

"Well I was afraid that she would see them again if either of them went to Midgard, and that they would bring her back. So I erased her memories so that she wouldn't remember knowing them, and she would never remember making herself look different. I thought she'd be safer that way, not knowing of her powers would make her life easier, but I was wrong," he told me with a sigh.

"Are you going to try to lock her up again? If you are, I'm not going to help you. She doesn't deserve to be locked up," I told him with a slightly stern tone in my voice.

"No, I want to help her but I am no longer sure how," he told me with another sigh.

"Well she came back seeking her memories and family, so should we ask....her to come to see Diana?" I asked him. There was a stunned silence.

"Are you worried about whether or not she'll forgive Diana?" I asked again.

"No, I know she forgives Diana for what she has done, I'm just afraid that Diana will not be able to forgive herself when she learns about what she did to...her," he said to me. We sat there for a few more moments until Odin stood up and walked out of the room. I followed behind him until he saw a small group of guards.

"Guards, send word to Princess Tiana, she is needed here right away," Odin said as the guards nodded and ran off.

(Diana's PoV)

I fell asleep and I started to dream....

"What's going on?" a voice said but Diana could see nothing but darkness.

"How could this have happened?" another voice cried out.

"I knew it, we shouldn't have kept her!" she heard a voice call and when that voice did speak she could see a feint image of her mother that quickly vanished.

"DIANA STOP!!! PLEASE!!" yet another voice called, and this time she saw her sister Tiana.

"Either you lock her up, or I will kill her myself!!" this time the voice sounded a little like Odin.

"DIANA!!! NO!!" another yell came from Tiana.

"Diana, is gone. That is a monster, not a princess!" a voice shouted.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I can't stop it!!" Diana heard herself think.

"Diana...p-please..," Tiana's voice was there again.

"Monster! It's your fault he's gone!" her mother called out.

"D-Diana....p-please....I....I'm...s-sorry," Tiana's voice cracked before I forced my eyes to open and the nightmare to end. I looked down, the darkness was there, but it felt different. Usually when the darkness showed nothing happened. If I used it to much, or I let it grow for to long it would hurt. But right now, it hurt worse than ever before, and there was hardly any even there. I already hurt bad enough from the blast but this was nearly as bad as when that blast did happen. I held back a scream as I gripped my right arm. The pain surged, and the more I tried to push the darkness back the more it would hurt. But not trying to push it back hurt too. I tried to stand up but all I accomplished was stumbling to my knees. The pain felt like someone had shoved a knife in my arm, and they twisted it. Then they slowly pulled it up my arm. I wanted to scream but I didn't, I held in. I tried so hard to fight it, but I was losing, and I was losing badly. I  tried to stand up again but I had the same results as last time. But when I fell my hand hit the book. I had put the necklace in the book because I was in such a rush to get out of hat palace I didn't put it on. The necklace had a feint silver glow and when I touched it the darkness faded. It vanquished most of the pain, but not all of it. I took deep breaths as I gripped the necklace. I could tell that the northern lights where glowing outside but I was to busy obsessing over the pain to pay to much attention to it. I looked back down at my arm and what looked like a burn mark was now left where the darkness once was. I stared at it for about twenty minutes until I grew tired again. I was afraid to go back to sleep, so I decided to just sit outside for a while.

(Third Person's PoV)

The feeling of darkness was felt far and wide. Every Avenger woke up knowing what that was. Thor, who was already awake, walked out to his balcony. He was very worried sense he knew what it meant. The darkness wasn't as bad as when he had confronted her so that eased a little bit of worry. Then he saw the northern lights go up in the sky, and he hoped that was good. Odin and Frigga had also sensed the darkness. They where worried and then they saw the lights as well.

"Did she say how long it would be until she gets here?" Frigga asked. Odin merely starred at the lights in the sky and he didn't answer until they had vanished.

"She said it may take a day or two, and she understands it is an urgent matter. But I have not told her why I need her here," Odin said to Frigga. Frigga nodded as she went back to bed. Odin starred out the window and then before Frigga drifted to sleep he asked her something.

"Frigga, have you seen Loki sense Thor told everyone about wanting to lock Diana up?" Odin asked.

"No, I hadn't seen him at all besides the night before Thor told them all, why?" Frigga asked. Odin remained silent as he continued thinking.

"You don't think he...," Frigga began before Odin nodded.

(Loki's PoV)

I woke up from the surge of darkness in the air. I knew why it was there and that's what worried me. Then the darkness faded and I saw those lights again. I went to check on Diana, and when I went outside the tent I saw her sitting alone a few feet away from her tent. I noticed a burn mark on her right arm and I walked over to her.

"Diana are you all right?" I asked her as she turned to look at me.

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