Chapter 27

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(Diana's PoV)

As I entered the healing room, Loki and Thor had nothing but a few tiny scars left. The two looked over at me and didn't say anything. Even though they didn't say anything I knew what they wanted to know. Both of them were curious about what Odin had said to me. I didn't want to say anything but I thought about it instead.

'He apologized for taking my memories, and he is allowing me to stay here and learn about my past,' I thought to myself, and I could tell Loki had been listening. Thor didn't say anything even though he wanted to know I don't think he wanted to upset me. We all sat in an awkward silence until Thor spoke.

"It's getting late, Diana I'll show you the room you'll stay in," Thor said as he stood up and walked over to the door. He opened it, and before I left I looked back at Loki who didn't seem to be in a good mood. After Thor showed me my room I went in and sat on the bed. I starred at my hands and the faintest spiral of darkness appeared. I nearly screamed, but I just took a deep breath.

"Just calm down," I whispered to myself. I looked back down at my hand and the spiral had faded. I sighed and then I heard the door knock. I wondered who it was as I spoke.

"Come in," I said. There was a moment of silence until the door opened, and I saw Frigga standing there.

"Oh, hello your highness," I said to her as she came in and closed the door behind her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I came to check on you, my husband talked to you didn't he?" she asked me and I nodded.

"Well that's good, I just wanted to let you know you are welcome to stay here," she said as she sat next to me.

"Thank you, it's awfully kind of you to let me stay after...after what I did," I said trying to hide the guilt in my voice.

"Diana you know it wasn't your fault that it happened," she told me.

"I know but I can't help but feel like it is," I said with a sigh.

"Well don't worry they'll be fine, and they will forgive you for what you did," she said with a smile that made me smile to. Frigga was so kind and maybe that's why I wasn't nervous around her like I was around Odin.

"That's good to know," I said to her.

"Well you should get some rest," Frigga said as she stood up and left the room. I sat there for a moment before I tried to fall asleep. As I laid down I winced in pain. Just bending my back to lay down hurt but I'm sure most of the pain would be gone in the morning.

(Loki's PoV)

Surprisingly I didn't have to go back to my cell. I was allowed to stay in an actual bedroom. I had been sitting on the bed when I heard someone knocking on the door.

'Now who could that possibly be?' I thought to myself as I heard the door begin to open. Before I could say anything I saw my mother standing there.

"Hello Loki," she said as she walked over and sat next to me.

"Hello," I said to her. She could tell I was upset.

"You know I talked to Diana and she seemed worried about how badly she had hurt you and Thor," she said to me.

"Why would she be worried?" I asked hiding how upset I had been.

"Because no one told her anything, and for all she knew you and Thor could have died," she told me. I cringed as she mentioned Thor.

"Shouldn't she be more concerned about herself? She was hurt much worse than either of us," I said with a hint of anger in my voice. Why should she care about others pain, and that's when I remembered what she had yelled at me about.

"Yes she should be more concerned about herself, but she's not because she cares about you two," she said to me with some sorrow in her voice.

"Well that's not true because she doesn't care about Thor," I said.

"Exactly, she doesn't care much about Thor but she still cares," she said as she left. I knew what she was implying but I wasn't sure if it was true.  I thought about what she said when I tried to help her and the darkness was unleashed. She yelled at me to stay away, and it's a good thing I did. I couldn't even imagine how worse my injuries would have been if I was closer when the blast went off. I wanted to stop thinking about it but I couldn't. I remembered the anger in her dark blue eyes, when she had been yelling at Thor. Was Thor really going to lock her up? Was she serious about what she said? Sadly I wouldn't get an answer, or at least not right now. I decided to get some sleep, and I must admit sleeping on this comfy of a bed was rather strange. But I ignored the strange feeling and drifted off to sleep.  I opened my eyes and I was on Midgard.

"How did I get here?" I asked myself as I looked around. I noticed it was a poorly lit room but there was one light. Across the room I saw the same glass prison I had been put in when I had take over Midgard. But the glass prison was not empty. I couldn't believe my eyes, and I didn't want to. In the cell I saw Diana sitting in it. Her arms stained with a combination of dark spirals, and blood. Blood stained the floor around her. She looked like she was in incredible pain. Her eyes where not a light blue, they where the deepest shade of blue possible without being completely black. I walked toward the prison and then I heard a voice behind me.

"Loki, don't go near that monster," Thor's voice said. I turned to see him standing there with a sad expression.

"She is not a monster," I retaliated.

"Yes she is, you've seen what she did to us in that field and look at what she did to you last night," Thor said pointing to my arm. Only then did I notice the huge gash on my arm, it had dried blood around the edges of it.

"No she's not, she doesn't deserve to be locked up," I told him with pure hatred in my voice.

"If she is let out she will kill more people, she needs to be trapped here," Thor yelled at me. I noticed that Diana had shifted position and was now looking at me. She had a tear stained face, that had blood drops here and there. The spirals where now along her neck as well and I could barely hear her speak. But I managed to hear what she said.

"Please...just leave...I don't...want to...h-hurt you," she said in a painful tone. It hurt to listen to her. I walked closer to the glass prison before Thor yelled at me.

"Loki, get back!!" he shouted at me, but I ignored him. I kneeled down by the wall of the glass prison, and came face to face with Diana.

"I...I'm...s-sorry," Diana said as she closed her eyes. There was a blast of darkness as the glass in the room shattered and my eyes opened fast. I quickly sat up from the bed and looked around, realizing it had been nothing but a dream. A terribly twisted, and painful dream.

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