Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Sara

(Diana's PoV)

I walked outside the bi-frost, or at least I think that's what it's called, and I gasped at the sight. Asgard was beautiful, no wonder it was called "The Realm Eternal".

"Are you impressed?" Thor asked me with a laugh.

"Yes! Why wouldn't I be impressed with a place as amazing as this!" I said. I acted like a five year old in a candy store. Thor laughed as I tried to contain my excitement. Thor was now standing next to me, he was about to say something but we got quiet quickly. There was a weird feeling in the air, a feeling of anger that chilled us to the bone. Almost as if someone had become very angry. Thor turned to Heimdal, who now had a very serious look on his face.

"Lady Diana, stay here. I need to go check on something," Thor said. I almost exploded in anger.

"You except me to stay here? I have finally discovered where I came from, and you except me to STAY HERE?" I yelled. I stopped myself and took a deep breath, know that my dark powers had almost shown. I noticed that right before the dark power was bout to show Heimdal looked up, as if he could sense the darkness in the air. Thor looked at me, and sighed.

"I'm sorry," I said as I hid my hands. Thor just calmly left without saying another word.

'I really need to get this under control,' I thought to myself.

(Loki's PoV)

I looked around, as did the other prisoners, and the guards. A strange feeling of darkness was in the air, and it just disappeared. The dark force we felt was strong. I was starting to get really curious about who Thor brought here.

(Thor's PoV)

I walked into the palace and I saw my mother. I hugged her as she welcomed me back to Asgard. 

"Thor, it is so good to see you! I saw you come through the Bifrost, but who's the other one that came with you?" my mother asked. I explained to her my situation.

"Hmmm, Diana....that name sounds familiar, but I don't know why," mother said.

"It is ok, now I must speak with Father," I said as I walked away from her toward the throne room. I was nervous honestly, I was nearly positive that anger in the air was from him. The guards opened the doors and I walked in and bowed in front of my father. 

"It is good to see you again my son," he said. I smiled hoping he wasn't the one that I had felt the anger of.

"It is good to see too Father, but are you upset? I could sense a strong sense of anger in the air, was it you?" I asked. I got a glair from him and my jaw nearly dropped.

"Yes, I am angry. I am angry at you for bringing her here," he said in an annoyed tone, which he did his best to hide.

"Why? Diana has done nothing wrong. I brought her here to help her learn about her past, and why her family cast her out," I said in the calmest way possible.

"She does not need to know, she was cast out for a reason," father said as he stood up, and walked toward me.

"Can you at least tell me who her family was? So she could at least know who they where, and why they cast her out?" I asked, with a hint of anger in my voice. Diana deserved to know about her family. I would be devastated if never knew about my family.

"Her family did not cast her out," he said. His voice sounded sympathetic, but just for a second.

"What do you mean?" I asked in I had to let him think Heimdal didn't tell me. I didn't want Heimdal to get in trouble.

"I am the one who banished Diana, and in the process her memories of this place faded. It had to be done, she had done terrible things," he said.

"What? YOU cast her out? You could've at least let her keep her memories!" I yelled. He gave me a look of anger.

"NO I COULD NOT! She was a foolish girl, and her memories would encourage her to return and do all those terrible things again! I HAD NO CHOICE!" he yelled. I think everyone in the castle could hear him now. I had no doubt Heimdal was watching.

"YOU DIDN'T MAKE THE SAME CHOICE WHEN YOU BANISHED ME!!" I yelled in anger. My father looked at me as if had just dawned upon him what he had done.

"GET OUT NOW!!!" he yelled as he turned his back t me. I stormed out of there in rage as I thought about what I had just said.

(Loki's PoV)

My head shot up when I heard the screams of anger from somewhere in the castle. It was no doubt that it was Thor yelling, but the other one sounded like Odin. Oh how I hated him. But it was good to hear him yelling at Thor, for whatever reason.

'I wondered if it had anything to do with our visitor' I thought to myself. The guards looked up, when they heard one final yell. They walked away to see what had been going on. I could feel the rumble of angry foot steps walking down the hall. I sat on my chair, until my mother appeared in front of me. She gave me a look of worry that confused me.

"What was all that commotion upstairs?" I asked sarcastically, not excepting a response. But to my surprise I got one.

"It was your father and brother. They where talking about the visitor. Which I'm sure you could already tell was here," she said as her face was full of worry. I nearly cringed at the words MY brother and father.

"So who is this visitor Thor has brought?" I asked with a smirk. My mother teleported out of the cell then answered.

"Her name is Diana, I do not know much about her. What I do know is that your father is not happy about her being here," she said to me, as she walked out of the prison. My mouth nearly dropped. I knew who Diana was, I remember seeing her on Midgard. She was with my pathetic brother, when I attacked New York. I nearly stole her power too, but I was stopped before I could. But the most interesting thing about New York is that it seemed as if Diana wasn't happy with helping my brother. Almost as if she didn't want to, but was rather forced to.

'She must have been that surge of dark energy I felt earlier. This could work out to my advantage.' I thought to myself.

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