Chapter 36

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(Loki's PoV)

I was still awake in my tent. I had been listening to Diana's thoughts some more. She had to stop thinking about it or the darkness would take her. She couldn't let it win. I refuse to let her lose to it. As I finally fell asleep I began to dream. Once again I was on Midgard and I could already tell I was going to hate this. I heard, what sounded like that evil voice, talking in the room near me. I looked around and noticed I was in the same SHEILD place. I walked over to the door where I heard the voice and I went to open the door, but it was being opened from the other side. When the door opened no one was inside the room but someone had been in there. Then I saw a feint, shadow like figure quickly run out the door and then it stood still across the room. It looked like a silhouette of Diana but not exactly. The figure let out a twisted laugh as it vanished then reappeared about five feet in front of me.

"So I finally get to talk to you in person," the shadow said mockingly.

"And who would you be?" I asked in a mean tone even though I knew exactly who it was.

"It's not who I am, but rather what I am," it laughed. "You did try to steal me for your own purposes so it's so pathetic to see you not remember what I am,".

"I know what you are, you're the darkness. You really think I would forget?" I glared at it. It vanished and then reappeared behind me. I turned to face it as it continued speaking.

"Well by now I guess there's really no point of trying to lie, you obviously know why I'm here," it said.

"Obviously, I did just witness you trying to take control. You do know that's not going to work right?" I asked with a sly grin.

"Of course I know it won't work, or at least it won't when your around. But don't worry I'll be able to fix that," it laughed as it vanished again. I felt like my blood ran cold but I hid the fear and shock.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" I asked angrily.

"Oh come on, you know she cares about you, so if something did happen to you...oh well you'll find out soon enough!" it said with a long laugh.

"What do you plan to DO?!?" I yelled at it.

"Oh, looks like I hit a nerve," it said to me with a feint smile.

"TELL ME!!" I yelled at it in rage.

"Well ok I'll tell you the bases of my incredible plan," she began as she made a silhouette of Diana appear. Now you could see the true difference between the two. While you could tell Diana looked normal, the darkness had something about it that would make nearly anyone fear it.

"So first I'll wait for just the right moment and then I'll make her lose control and hit you with some sort of dark energy. You'll be just near death from the blast, but you won't die. You'll be stuck on an incredibly thin string between life and death. No you won't die but you'll feel pain so bad you'll wish you where dead. Then Diana's guilt will slowly tear her apart from the inside out. The pain will eat her alive as you get closer and closer to death. But the truth is you won't die, but she won't know that. Then as she is forced to watch your suffering I will take control filling her to the brim with a pain that not even you can ease! And right before I crush her heart and soul I will give you the strength to save her but it will already be to late! Then you'll be forced to sit there and watch as she destroys everything, including you!!" she laughed as I went to attack her. Right before I hit her my eyes burst open. My breathing was heavy and I was sweating. I quickly left the tent and I saw Diana sitting outside just watching the sunrise.

"What happened?" she asked me.

"What are you talking about?" I tried to lie but Diana saw right through it.

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