Chapter 11

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(Loki's PoV)

I saw Diana run by at full speed. I didn't know why, but then I heard guards coming toward the prison in a hurry. I knew why, and my heart sank. She had to leave, just like she did before Thor got banished. I noticed she looked at me for a long minute and then continued running. Did she actually care that she had to leave? Of course she didn't if she did she wouldn't have left all those years ago. I was filled with rage, and sadness at the same time. I heard Thor come running down, but he stopped when he saw me. He knew something was wrong.

"Brother?" he said. I didn't answer him, but I did gave him a look of disgust. Then I turned my back to him, and he ran after Diana with the rest of the guards. I honestly hoped Diana would escape. I knew why she had to come down here, to get the book. But I couldn't help but wonder if that was the only reason. Maybe we wanted to see her old friend, that she just realized was her friend before having to leave him again. She probably just came for the book.

(Diana's PoV)

I ran as fast as I could. I knew I was invisible but someone would know I was here soon enough. I was running when I saw Odin walking with Frigga down the hallway, and they where looking for me too. I walked slower and hoped they wouldn't notice, but using their powers, they could tell I was there.

"Diana, stop," Odin's voice boomed. I froze dead in my tracks, I wanted to move but I knew it wouldn't end well.

"Diana, please go back to Midgard, revenge will give you nothing but pain," Frigga said. This confused me, I revealed myself but neither noticed the book.

"Why would I come for revenge?" I asked in a confused tone. Odin cringed as Frigga gave him a look.

"I was sure you'd come back for revenge, after the incident," Frigga said as she stepped closer to me.

"After what incident?" I asked, did she not know I didn't have my memories.

"You really don't know?" she asked in a concern tone.

"I honestly don't, when I woke up on Midgard I had no memory of my past, and I still don't have all those memories," I said. Technically I wasn't lying by saying I still didn't know, because I said 'I still don't have ALL those memories'. I don't have all, I only have some.

"Odin, did you really take her memories?" Frigga asked as she turned to face Odin, and Odin nodded.

"What do you mean did he take my memories?" I asked. How would Odin have the chance to do that before my parents banished me, none of this made sense.

"When he banished you, I guess he took your memories," Frigga said. My heart shattered.

"What?" I said as I starred at the two.

"When Odin banished you," Frigga began.

"But I was told I that I was cast out by my parents," I said. Frigga gave me a sympathetic look and just shook her head to let me know that wasn't the case. Then I heard Thor run up behind me, and stopped about five feet away from me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" my voice cracked as I turned to face Thor. He could see the pain in my eyes when I met his gaze.

"I was going to really I-," Thor began but I cut him off.

"Why didn't you tell me when you first found out?! DID I NOT DESERVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW?!" I yelled as tears streamed down but I barely even noticed. Thor went to say something but he didn't.

"Diana....calm down," I heard Odin say. I noticed Thor was starring at my hand, and so was Frigga. I looked down and noticed the black aura, but that wasn't the only thing. Black spirals where forming around my wrist.

"I...I," I began but before anything else could be said I turned myself invisible. I ran off in fear of what would happen if I stayed. I ran for as long as I could until I reached a forest type area. I hid there for the night.

(Loki's PoV)

I grew worried as I heard yelling from above. I used my power to watch what happened, and I stood in disbelief. She was cast out? I thought she just ran off one day! Even worse what the hell was happening to her arm? Great, more reasons on why I should hate Odin. My rage grew, and I slammed my fist into the wall in anger.

(Thor's PoV)

"I'm going to look for her," I said as I began to walk away.

"No, your not," my father said. My anger increased, but I remained calm.

"Odin, let him do this," mother said. I sighed in relief as my father agreed.

"Fine, but you know she will not trust you. You will need to find someone she trusts to help you," father said in a serious tone.

"But where will I find someone who trusts she trusts? She barely trusts herself!" I exclaimed. I really knew no one who she trusted.

"A few days before I banished Diana, she had changed her appearance and called herself Scarlett. You should know, you met her," father said.

"Diana....was Scarlett?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes she was, and she was your friend, as well as Loki's," father said. I immediately realized where he was going with this. It had made sense, if I ever was mean to Loki, she would give me a look. Now that I think about it she was probably Loki's only friend.

"What are you saying father?" I asked in a worried tone.

"As long as you put the power bands on him, he won't have the strength in power to escape. You know she won't trust anyone else," father said once again. I nodded at him and headed to the prisons.

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