Chapter 21

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  • Посвящена Kevin

(Diana's PoV)

I woke up to a loud crash that scared the crap out of me. I shot out if the tent to see Tony and Clint about twenty feet away.

"Damn it, are they ever going to give up?" I asked myself as I ran in my tent, grabbed the book, and ran back out. I made my tent vanish as I saw Loki walk out of his tent. He looked as happy as I was when he saw Tony and Clint.

"They do realize you are still going to say no when they ask you to come back, right?" Loki asked in an angry tone.

"Yes they do and that's why they haven't stopped yet," I said as I made his tent vanish as we started running. Tony and Clint weren't close behind but they weren't exactly far behind either. Tony managed to fly in front of us, but it didn't work. I teleported Loki and I in front of Tony ad continued running.

"Diana!!" Tony yelled.

"Barton slow her down!" Tony yelled. Clint got ready to shoot an arrow ahead of me which would probably slow us down. He shot the arrow but before it even came close to us I used my powers to create a wall of magic to stop it. Clint starred at it in shock, he never did miss. But then again he never tried to shoot at me.

"You do realize we can't outrun then right?" Loki asked sarcastically.

"I'm well aware of that!" I yelled as my hand started to glow. Before Loki could say anything more there was a large flash of light.

"What did you do?" Loki asked as I opened my eyes to see we where miles away from Toy and Clint.

"I think I teleported us," I said as I looked around. We weren't in the forest anymore and I didn't realize where we were until I looked up. I could see the same forest we where in but it was far away. I stood up and I could tell Loki wasn't happy about Tony and Clint being here. Or at least that's why I think he's mad, he might be acting like this to hide what he is really thinking about.

(Tony's PoV)

"WHERE THE HELL DID SHE GO?!" I yelled. Clint walked over to me with an angry expression.

"I don't know, but you need to calm down. If you keep being this loud she'll be able to figure out where we are even if we where back on Earth," Clint said in a calm voice. We where going to continue when an all too familiar voice got our attention.

"STARK STOP! CLINT YOU TOO!" I heard Steve yell.

"We told you not to go after her!" Thor yelled.

"And I expect this from Tony, but from you Clint? Really?" Natasha added. You could see a little bit of guilt in Clint's eyes but it was drowned out by his anger.

"Look, Loki can't be trusted, and are we really supposed to just let Diana run around until she gets tired and decides to go back to Earth?!" I yelled back.

"I know we shouldn't have gone but still, you know he can't be trusted. We just didn't want her to get hurt," Clint added.

"Don't want her hurt? All you did was increase the chance of her being hurt," Bruce said in a voice that showed the tiniest hint of anger.

"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion.

"Diana's dark powers cannot be controlled, so when she gets angry, or sad enough they do things on their own. When Diana uses too much of it she hurts herself, and you know if she hurt one of you two by accident her sadness would allow the darkness to hurt her far more than if she didn't hurt anyone," Thor said. I stood in silence, I didn't realize her powers could harm more than just others.

"She did use it one once, but it was by accident," Clint said.

"All you two have done is cause more harm than good. You could have gotten yourselves, and Diana seriously hurt! If you just would have stayed back at the palace we could have plan-," Steve began but I cut him off.

'Look Capsicicle, if we had made a plan we would still be back on Earth. Clint and I have made more progress in two days then Thor had made in around five days! So don't complain to me about not having a plan!" I yelled as I stood in front of him, only about two feet away. Steve went to say something but Thor cut us off.

"STOP FIGHTING!!!" his voice boomed as we fell in total silence.

"If we keep fighting like this we'll be so caught up in our petty arguments that we won't remember the reason we are here. Not to get revenge on someone, not to see the sights, but to help Diana," Thor said as he calmed himself down.

"We need to go after her," Clint said.

"What we need to do is wait. She will be forced to come back, and her spell protecting her from Heimdal's sight will not last forever," Thor said.

"Fine...," I mumbled. I was not happy about it, and even though I could just fly off quickly, Thor knows this place better than I do so I would probably get lost.

"We should head back," Bruce said. As we headed home Bruce whispered something to me.

"Was Loki with her?" he asked. I could tell he wanted to know if Loki was actually with her, or if he tricked Thor and was out somewhere scheming.

"Yes he was, but I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not," I whispered back.

"True, sense he's with her we know he isn't hiding and planning something, but on the other hand Diana is with the one man that no one can trust," Bruce said.

"If you can even call him a man, more like a monster or psychopath to me," I muttered to myself. Thor shot me a look, I really hope he didn't hear that.

(Loki's PoV)

We had just set up another little camp site and I could tell Diana had something on her mind. Whether it was about those two idiots, or last night I wasn't sure.

'Knock it off,' she thought as I tried to read her mind. She couldn't hold in her thoughts forever and soon she stopped trying to make sure I didn't find out what she was thinking.

"Loki, about last night," she began but stopped herself knowing that I knew what she was going to ask.

"Was there something wrong with last night?" I asked sarcastically.

"Your reaction when you happen. Why didn't it scare you like....," she paused for a brief moment but started again.

"Like everyone else, even Thor was terrified at the sight when he first found out," she managed to say. I hadn't realized even Thor had feared this power, it must have been worse than I imagined. I wasn't sure what to say. Why wasn't I afraid? Was it because I had wanted the power so I didn't care how bad it was, or was it because I was used to having a strange power no one else around me had. It was the second one, but I didn't want it to be. I wasn't sure if she knew I was a frost giant before, but now I know she didn't or she wouldn't have questioned why I didn't see her as a monster for what happened.

"Well?" I heard her ask. I hadn't realized I hadn't answered yet. I wasn't sure if I should, I couldn't just say I wasn't scared even if that was the case Diana wouldn't accept that for an answer. So I decided I would tell her.

"The reason I wasn't scared has to do with something I found out a few years ago...," I started as Diana listened.

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