"Oh my god! You said something smart." Jacey hugs David, and David starts smiling and hugging her back. "Let's go, meet back here in an hour or two." Tina says while being carried away by Jonny. "Okay let's go Jacey, Zack you can come with us." David drags Jacey with him and I follow, we get in line on the first water ride we see.

"I'm so excited, I hope you don't scream like a girl David." Jacey states while squeezing David hand. As I'm about to laugh David starts glaring at me. "Oh I'm not, I'm excited too." He nervously says while scratching the back of his neck.

David always scream like a girl on rides, he says he can't help it.

We're waiting in line when someone taps me, she is about our age. "Can I ride with you on this ride I don't have anybody to ride it with, my friends are to scared to ride and went somewhere else." David and Jacey stops talking and looks at the girl. I really don't wanna ride with her, "Um, my friend, he would ride with you I'm already riding with someone."

I point to David and his eyes widen, "Oh my gosh thank you." The girl grabs David and starts talking to him. David starts stuttering to explain the situation, but Jacey whispers something in his ear.

"I'm just going to wait at the bottom then." As Jacey is about to walk off I stop her, "You're riding with me." She looks at me confused, but she just nods her head. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, but I'm Amy." The girl introduces herself smiling big at Jacey and me. "I'm Jacey and this is Zack." She introduces the both of us.

Jacey POV

I introduced the both of us. This Amy girl comes out of nowhere and ask to ride with one of us. And Zack stupid ass volunteers David to ride with her instead of himself.

Amy grabs David so fast and starts talking to him that David couldn't even explain to her that he was riding with me, but I stopped him, "It's okay, I'll probably just ride with Zack." I whisper to him, I knew it was a lie. I only told him that so he would calm down and relax.

At the top of the slide

"David when we meet back up can you buy me a funnel cake?" David and Amy are next to go down the water ride. "Really?! You're asking this now?!" I start laughing, "Its just a simple question." I knew he was nervous to go down the ride.

The lifeguard push them down and David already starts screaming like a girl.

Zack POV

I'm laughing at David's scream and so is Jacey. "Okay next." The lifeguard puts our tube in the water. "What's your name?" The lifeguard asks Jacey and she slowly starts smiling at him.

Before Jacey could answer I interrupt her, "Can we go please?" Jacey and the lifeguard look at me, and the lifeguard smirks at me. "I'll find you when I'm off." I roll my eyes and the lifeguard pushes us down.

Jacey starts screaming and laughing at the same time. We reach the bottom, Jacey turns around in the tube and looks at me, "Wasn't that fun?! You can't say it wasn't, because you were even laughing." I give her a little smile and she reaches and touches my hair, "I just wanted to touch your hair since it's wet this time and not dry."

"You are one weird girl." I laugh as I get out the tube and push her to the end. "Weird is different, isn't it?" She asks while looking around. Before I could say anything David calls for us, "Jacey, how was it?"

David lifts Jacey out of the water, "It was fun, but I wish I was up there with you so I can laugh harder at your scream." Me and Jacey start laughing and David pushes us both in the water. I come back up and Jacey is already up laughing.

Two Hours Later

"Hey y'all how was the rides for y'all?" Jonny asks while eating my food. "Why are you eating my food?" He shrugs his shoulders, "It was fun, David was screaming like a girl again." Jacey starts laughing at the memory and David throws his food at me, "Why would you bring that back up?" I laugh as I take a bite of my food. "Because I wanted to."

He rolls his eyes at me and lay his head on Jacey thigh. "Tina was scared to get on everything, but she eventually got on them." Jonny states while still eating my food, I hit his hand away. "I had to see how they were before I got on them." I chuckle at that because I know how Tina is when it comes to rides.

"When are we leaving?" Layla asks with her head on her bag and facing all of us. "Well, we are staying at Jacey house and we all have to go home to take our showers and change. Well not me, I have clothes at Jacey house. We'll probably leave in another hour or two." I nod my head in agreement. Since me and Jonny are the ones driving we get to choose when to leave.

"Let's go Jacey, we're going to the lazy river for the rest of the time." David grabs Jacey and head to the lazy river. "Well, you wanna do the same?" Tony asks Layla while pointing to the lazy river." She nods her head and jumps on his back.

"We'll just leave after we get tired of the lazy river." Jonny tells me as him and Tina start walking to the lazy river also.

"Okay I'll just chill here!" Thirty minutes later I feel a presence near me.

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