"Of course, sweety. Definitely." I kissed her cheeks and leaned back on the counter, she took a while but noticed and decided to leave us alone. I ran my fingers through my hair as a deep chuckle reverberated through my body.

"How people believe the act, I'll never know." Kyle said, leaning on the other side of the counter and taking a sip of a red solo cup he seemed to procure out of thin air.

I rolled my eyes and took the cup away from him, taking a long swig of some unknown substance before I took his hand and made my way to the dance floor.

There were only four reasons I'd dance with a stranger. One being it was a bet. Two being I was trying to make someone jealous. Three being I was drunk off my ass, and four being I had no other option.

Today, since I had another option, wasn't drunk, wasn't betting and wasn't trying to screw Lucas, I'd be dancing with Kyle, who was more than happy to comply.

One thing I always found flattering about Kyle was that when I was around, I was his only goal. His intense need to get in my pants ment he turned a blind eye to any other girl around us and his attention was focused solely on me.

His hands gripped my waist, our bodies flushed against each others as we danced to the trans like music. My hands gripped the back of his neck, holding him close to me. I still had his cup in my hand, and I took another sip from the cup. Whatever it was it was strong, and left me already feeling light on my feet. I laughed, throwing my head back as I let the music take me away.

But it didn't last long, because Jenny came out of no where, Michael in tow, and pulled me out of Kyle's grip. I hid my annoyance and turned to her with a smile.

"Hey, Jenny." I fliped my hair to the side. "What's up."

"We'll we were going to play Never Have I Ever upstairs, if you guys wanted to join." I rose my brows.

"Isn't that a little bit like High School?" I chuckled but Jenny shrugged.

"Just because it's old doesn't mean it's not fun. Besides, we get to drink alot." She grinned deviously. With a smirk I followed her upstairs.

"How about, instead of Never Have I Ever, we play Truth or Dare. It think that'd be a lot more fun." I grinned at the room. It was the same group as always, my girls and Kyle's boys, plus a couple of other girls trying to take on some of the boys. Of course, they took my suggestion and sat in the bedroom.

Kyle and I sat on the bed, his arm over my shoulders and my hand on his thigh. Lucas and Heather sat across from us, each with their own person to hook up with, but still sitting next to each other. Jenny was curled under Michael's arm, sharing a seat on the only other chair in the room. The rest were scattered around the floor.

"So who's going first?" Kyle asked, taking the bottle of vodka from James, and taking a sip before handing it to me.

"I say we settle this like High School." Jenny said, smiling widely and talking the last gulp of her wine bottle and setting it in the center of the room. "We'll go in order of the circle and spin the bottle, whoever it lands on you have to give a dare." She said, clapping her hands and smiling at Michael, who most likely unknowingly, was staring at her with a smile of his own.

"Sure." Tyrese said with a shrug. The others nodded in agreement and Jenny spun the bottle, landing on one of the other girls.

"Truth or Dare?" She asked.

The girl sqared her shoulders and sat up straight. "Dare." She said, her voice confident and assured. But Jenny smirked. This was her game, she knew the best dares for everyone, and one of the main reasons I was friends with her. Every party with Jenny was worth being a part of.

"I dare you, to take 5 shots of Absolut." The guys and I laughed, knowing she'd pass out before the 3rd shot. Poor thing had no idea.

She furrowed her brows, obviously not knowing what Jenny meant but nodding anyways. Kyle reached under the bed, and pulled out another bottle of Absolut. I gaped at him, my lips open in complete bafflment and a slight smile. "How many bottles do you have?" I asked, taking it from him and bringing it to my lips. But once again it was taken from my grip. I pouted at Kyle but he only winked and handed the bottle to Rob, who already had 5 shot glasses lined up.

The girl scooted to the center of the room, taking the first shot glass and bringing it to her nose. She cringed and started coughing just from the smell alone. "I have to take 5 shots of this?" She asked, shocked. But Jenny only smirked.

"Remember what happens if you don't do it." It was common knoledge that whenever you didn't do a dare, there'd be a punishment. Though Jenny liked to make her own punishments. "You have to get a tattoo of the dare on your ass." The girl gulped but nodded and looked at the glass like it was the thing that'd kill her. If she took all 5 shots, with her metabolism, it probably would.

With a whispered mumble, she brought the glass to her lips and shot her head back. She immediately started coughing, her face turning red as the punch hit her. I knew all too well what that shot felt like, and though I pittied her for having to take 5 shots, I envied her, because Kyle refused to let me get more than tipsy.

"Wow." She gasped, her speach already beggining to get slightly slurred. "That's really strong." She reached for her throat, her voice hoarse and dry.

"Four more to go." Jenny reminded, lifting the next glass up.

The girl blinked, swaying slightly before taking the second shot. With a quick toast, she shot it back, slower than the last. She set the glass down and started choking on the drink. "I think I'm gon-" Her cheeks filled and her hand flew to her mouth. Without thinking she darted towards the bathroom, her insides spilling into the toilet. We laughed, watching from outside the door after a few moments when she didn't come out, Rob went to check, and came back with a smile on his face.

"She's passed out on the toilet." We'd all drank a little and were already tipsy, laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Okay. Who's next?" Jenny smirked looking at me. I raised a brow and met her smirk with my own. Bring it on, Jenny. 

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